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Mental Health

  • Australian Psychological Society

    The Australian Psychological Society’s website provides a list of resources and helplines for men, women and children to help those suffering and seeking help for mental health issues.

  • Mind Health Connect

    MHC is an Australian Government initiative to quickly search through symptoms and issues. Functions a lot like WebMD for mental health.

  • Mind Australia

    Mind Australia provides a short list of popular online resources, as well as links to mindfulness and other related recovery techniques.

  • The Australian Government

    Official Government resource for Mental Health. Many of our other links are showcased here too, as it provides a useful hub for them.

  • Lifeline

    Lifeline are a community based organisation providing mental health services 24\7 to the public through a hotline. Primarily a suicide prevention hotline, they function as a support network for those feeling depressed or trapped. Not a medical organisation; try consulting other resources first if you’re worried about displaying symptoms.

  • MHA

    Mental Health Australia is the peak, national non-government organisation promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector and committed to achieving better mental health for all Australians.

  • Beyond Blue

    Beyond Blue specialises in recognising, understanding, and treating depression. A vital resource for anyone suffering or experiencing symptoms of mental illness.

  • Mental Health Online

    MHO provide access to crisis services, treatment options, as well as resources for understanding mental health issues.

  • Headspace

    A mental health site specialising in issues pertaining to children. If you’re a parent looking for information, Kids Matter, Headspace, or YouthBeyondBlue should be your first ports of call.

  • The Royal Children’s Hospital

    The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne provide services for refugees, asylum seekers and recent immigrants, especially those who have experienced prolonged immigration detention. While Melbourne based, their online resources are a good start for anyone.

  • The Queensland Government

    The Queensland Government has a list of mental health and wellbeing resources available to provide help to those who need it.

  • Blue Knot Foundation Helpline (formerly Adults Surviving Child Abuse)

    Provides information and short-term counselling for adult survivors of childhood trauma.

  • Black Dog Institute

    A world leader in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.

  • Butterfly Foundation

    Providing support for Australians who suffer from eating disorders and negative body image issues, and also support for their carers.​

  • Friendline

    A service for anyone who just wants a chat. All conversations with FriendLine are casual and anonymous, and volunteers are ready to talk about anything and everything.

  • Kids Help Line

    Confidential and anonymous, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.

  • Mensline Australia

    A dedicated service for men with relationship and family concerns.

  • ReachOut.com

    Australia’s online youth mental health service, a non-profit with a mission to help young people to lead happier lives.

  • Relationships Australia

    Provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities.

  • SANE Australia

    National charity helping all Australians affected by mental illness to lead a better life – through campaigning, education and research.

  • Listening Ear

    A free and confidential support service which provides Australians with a safe space to talk through problems.

  • QLife​

    Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

  • 1800RESPECT

    National sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling services 24-hour online support for workers and professionals.

  • Gambling Helpline

    Find out about the signs of a gambling problem, assess gambling issues and spending.

  • 13YARN

    An Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander crisis support line, run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and funded by the Australian Government with the support of Lifeline. Developed in collaboration with Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia.

  • Mindframe Media

    For media and resource information about suicide in Australia.


  • Network

    An education subscription service that offers a broad range of upskilling courses for fitness and wellness professionals.

  • Sport Coach

    A short list that links to a few other resources for understanding fitness, but it’s main strength is its collection of links for gym equipment itself.

  • Southern Cross Health Club

    This site has some more easy-going, less jargon-based resources. Hosts nutrition information, recipes, and workout and yoga techniques.

  • Afirm

    Contains resources for gym-owners and attendees about codes of conduct, liability, and what to do in emergencies in the gym.

  • Evolve Health and Fitness

    A fitness blog\resource link to numerous topics on health, nutrition, and fitness across the board.

  • Yoga Journal

    Fitness resources for yoga specifically, serving simultaneously as a learning hub and a progress journal. For yoga practitioners of all skill levels, and great for beginners.

  • AUSactive

    Australia’s peak body for the exercise and active health sector; providing education, services and advocacy for exercise professionals, businesses and students.

  • Women’s Health and Fitness

    Women’s Health and Fitness is constantly updated with new exercises and fitness techniques. A great and often overlooked source for fitness.

  • Body and Soul

    A blog detailing dietary, wellbeing, fitness, and motivational resources. Great for fitness, weight loss, and healthy eating.

  • Popsugar

    A combined fitness and celebrity blog showcasing what works, what’s in vogue, and what diet and action plans are working in Hollywood.


  • Free Meditation

    A Sahaja Yoga based approach to meditation. Explains how to meditate, gives a couple of guided meditations, and contains information for taking it further.

  • Monash University

    Monash U. has a large collection of websites, articles, and links to resources for mindfulness for their students and interested public.

  • UNSW

    Similar to Monash, UNSW has a few links to teachers and guided meditation that might prove handy for someone new to mindfulness and meditation, as well as readings and links to the science behind it.

  • Living Well

    Living Well is a resource for men’s mindfulness, concentrating on developing personal strategies. If you find the language of the other sites isn’t worded to your demographic, consider checking this one out.

  • Act Mindfully

    A collection of free audiovisual, text-based, and other media resources from a leading Australian therapist.

  • The Happiness Trap

    Another resource from Russ Harris, this list collects resources from published books and provides free chapters and recordings for mindfulness.

  • CCI

    The CCI seeks to help depression and anxiety through the championing of mindfulness. Letting go of your stress and creating more healthy patterns in your mind is tantamount to mindfulness, and they’re using this to establish a coping plan for those who need it.

  • MiCBT Institute

    Another resource showcasing academic and practical applications and techniques for mindfulness. It also has a week-by-week assessment of the progress of your work. Handy for keeping track of your patterns.

  • Be Mindful

    An online course that was created so that anyone, anywhere, can easily and effectively learn to practice mindfulness in their daily life and enjoy the benefits.

  • Intro to Mindfulness

    An online course that is designed to give people a basic understanding of mindfulness principles and how they can be applied.


  • Eat For Health

    An Australian Government resource. Contains the Australian Dietary Guidelines, food essentials, and a comprehensive guide to eating well. Also has food calculators and a lot of generalised resources. Indispensable.

  • Healthy Kids

    Some great links and articles for teaching kids the building blocks to nutrition later in life. Nutrition for children is vital to their mental and physical growth, so it’s important to take a look at this if you’re not up to date.

  • Nutrition Australia

    Nutrition Australia also showcases some links specifically designed for children, but with an added focus not only on healthy eating, but healthy living through exercise and physical activity.

  • Nutrition Australia

    An updated version of the old Food Pyramid. Nutrition Australia have a much more comprehensive listing of the optimal ratios and food groups that suit a balanced lifestyle.

  • The Heart Foundation

    Healthy eating with a focus on heart and cardiovascular health. Vital for anyone trying to counteract the effects or symptoms of heart conditions.

  • Healthy Food Guide

    A large blog page filled to the brim with recipes, guides, educational resources, and the like. Another magazine blog page which has more content than people give them credit for.

  • BUPA

    BUPA has a very nice introductory guide that details the main important steps towards healthy eating. Great for beginners, since it takes the time to explain a few core things that other blogs take for assumed knowledge.

  • Get Healthy NSW

    Another good introductory page, this list details some basics and some advanced techniques to get people out of bad habits and into new, healthier ones.

At IHS we provide a holistic approach to well-being that considers all aspects of your current physical health and your state of mind, to improve the quality of your life. Our primary aim is to empower you with the tools you need to live a fulfilling and healthy life! Contact us now to see how we can help you!.