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Fermented Foods for Health

Mar 9, 2014Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition & Fitness1 comment

Fermented foods - tablespoon of sauerkraut

It’s interesting because I always used to think foods like plain Yoghurt, Sauerkraut and Kombucha were strange foods that didn’t really appeal to me at all. They either smelt far too strong or tasted pretty bad.  But now that my journey of health has matured over the years and along with my knowledge of the health benefits of fermented foods, I now actively consume them on a daily basis. Lacto fermentation is when natural bacteria feed on sugar and starch from the food which then develops lactic acid.

This enables the food to be preserved offering wonderful health benefits such as, enzymes, b-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and of course the health boosting probiotics for the body. Along with the power punching health benefits it will also improve your body’s digestion, because it helps to break down the foods whilst also retaining the nutrients because of the fermentation process. So no going back now for me….why don’t you try to make fermented foods one of your daily dietary habits and enjoy the exceptional rewards your digestion system will receive and the overall health your body will love!

Cheers, Todd – Health & Fitness Coach, Nutrition & Weight Loss Consultant at Integrated Health Specialists.