Can I See a Psychologist Online on the Gold Coast?

The short answer to ‘can I see a psychologist online on the Gold Coast’ is yes! There are many reasons for wanting to see a psychologist or counsellor online, and yet, it can be important to choose a local therapist for your online sessions. In this article, we’ll uncover more about seeing a psychologist online and why this might work for you.

Are online psychologists qualified?

As we discussed in our recent article, Should I see a Counsellor or Psychologist, all psychologists in Australia are required to be fully qualified and have undergone many years of study to practice psychology. They are also required to undertake regular training and development as practicing psychologists. So, when seeing a registered psychologist online, you can rest assured that if they are located within Australia, they are indeed qualified. You are entitled to ask about their credentials and experience, to ensure you’re comfortable with your therapist before moving forward.

The mental healthcare therapists that you find online will be some of the same psychologists that you will find in your local area. In fact, you may have already seen a local psychologist on the Gold Coast and for one reason or another, you wish to move to online psychology sessions. Choosing a Gold Coast psychologist for your online sessions means having the flexibility to shift to in-person sessions if and when that becomes more appropriate for you.

Can I see my regular psychologist online?

Yes, you can see your Gold Coast psychologist online if they offer online services to their clients. In many ways, online therapy is the same as in-person therapy and can be just as beneficial. This is a personal choice for you and your psychologist and may also come down to circumstances outside of your control such as social distancing measures, lockdown, or difficultly leaving the house and making it to sessions.  Or it could be a convenience decision; finding it easier and time saving to attend sessions online.

Here at Integrated Health Specialists, we aim to support our clients in every way possible, and that means offering online services for those who can’t make it into our office. We offered online counselling and psychology services throughout the pandemic lockdowns, as we understand that continuing with therapy – especially in such difficult times – is incredibly important for all of our clients. However, the pandemic is not the only reason you might be looking for online psychology on the Gold Coast.

You might have difficulty making it into our office for a number of reasons, such as being too busy to get away from home or work for your sessions, having to take care of children full-time, or even having mobility issues which make leaving the house and travelling more difficult. No matter your reason for wanting to see a psychologist online, we are here to help!

Benefits of seeing a psychologist online

Online psychologists can offer the same services that a traditional face-to-face therapist can do, just in a slightly adjusted way. Sitting down with your psychologist for an online session can actually provide some added benefits to you, depending on your situation. Some of these benefits include:

  • Being able to continue your therapy online even when social distancing measures or lockdowns are in place: If you are seeing a psychologist – whether for a serious mental health concern, or for personal development, life coaching, or any other reason – it is incredibly important to continue with your therapy, even when lockdown measures are in place. Seeing your psychologist online means no interruption to your therapy.
  • Being comfortable in your own surroundings: For some people, seeing a psychologist can seem like a daunting prospect. Reaching out for help from someone new can be overwhelming for a lot of people. So, being able to speak to someone from the comfort of your own home, or somewhere that you feel at ease, can take the edge off your anxiety about seeing a therapist.
  • Online is where you do everything: For so many of us these days, we do almost everything online, from chatting with friends, to shopping, to watching TV. As the world continues to become more online-focused, we understand that being able to see your psychologist online may make you feel more comfortable or make it easier for you to commit fully to your therapy.
  • Continuing with therapy even when it’s difficult to leave the house: If you are experiencing limited mobility, or perhaps unable to leave the house due to caring for children or loved ones, it can be hard to attend regular psychology sessions. But that’s no reason to forego therapy altogether! We understand that life happens, and we aim to be flexible and supportive no matter your circumstances. Our online sessions can ensure that no matter your situation, we are here to help.
  • Too busy with work: If being busy makes it difficult to see your psychologist, online sessions could be the answer! Whether it be taking some time to find a quiet room in your lunch break, or booking a session outside of your working hours, we can assist you to continue with your psychology sessions online from anywhere, at a time that suits you.

Types of therapy available online

Many of our therapies are available online, just as they are in-person. The types of therapies we offer in our online sessions include:

  • Psychology
  • Counselling
  • Weight loss programs – psychology components
  • Life coaching programs
  • Hypnotherapy via personal recordings
  • Emotional freedom techniques
  • Nutritional psychology

In fact, most of the services and types of therapy you’ve had with your psychologist in-person can be offered online, with a few exceptions, of course. To find out more about which of our services you can receive online, reach out to us today.

Here at Integrated Health Specialists, we understand that your own circumstances, restrictions, or your personal preferences can all play a role in making it more difficult or even impossible to come into our clinic for psychology or counselling services. We also understand that these may be some of the times when therapy is most crucial to you. We’ve adapted our therapies to be easily deliverable online, so that no matter what you’re going through, we can support you fully. That’s why we offer our psychology and counselling services online as well as in-person, to ensure you’re supported by us, always.

Reach out today by phone or send us a contact form here, and to find out more about the online services we offer if this appeals to you.

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