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Anxiety, Stress & Phobias

Blog articles about anxiety, stress and phobias: research, suggestions and strategies to help manage your symptoms. Do you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, phobias or overwhelming stress? To treat these symptoms without medication – the key is to address the causes; the underlying patterns behind your fears that trigger these symptoms. Learn how to manage your symptoms with some techniques and strategies in our blog articles.

6 Anxiety-Busting New Year’s Resolutions

6 Anxiety-Busting New Year’s Resolutions

This time of the year, every year, the internet loves to debate about whether New Year’s resolutions are worthwhile. For those who suffer from anxiety, New Year’s resolutions can not only be difficult to accomplish, but they are also notorious for inducing further anxiety. So, instead of mulling over whether you should even be setting resolutions this year, try looking at it from a different...

Uncertainty Triggering Your Anxiety? What to do About It

Uncertainty Triggering Your Anxiety? What to do About It

Uncertainty is a part of life. Worrying about the future and being unsure about what life holds is normal. Like many things, your mindset is the key to coping with facing the unknown with confidence and successfully tackling what comes your way. But is recent uncertainty triggering your anxiety and making it harder than usual for you to manage it? We break down uncertainty and anxiety, and what...

Six Ways To Help Someone With Anxiety

Six Ways To Help Someone With Anxiety

When someone in your life is struggling with anxiety, it can be hard to put aside the things they do, and see their struggles as a symptom of anxiety, rather than a character flaw. But that’s exactly what anxious behaviour is – a symptom of a serious mental health concern, and quite a common one at that. Whether you have a partner who has difficulty making decisions and taking action, or a...

Is it Stress or Anxiety?

Is it Stress or Anxiety?

Are you experiencing stress or anxiety? There is a fine line between the two, and most of us have experienced both at some point in our lives. Both stress and anxiety are emotional responses, however, there are some key differences between what causes each and, importantly, what should be done to manage each of them. In this blog article, we uncover these key differences to help you determine...

The Problem with Positive Affirmations and Anxiety

The Problem with Positive Affirmations and Anxiety

There are no shortage of self-help gurus speaking about the benefits of positive affirmations and how they can change your life. And for some people, they really do make a difference. However, if you suffer from ongoing anxiety, stress, depression, negative self-talk, or low self-worth and self-esteem, positive affirmations can have the very opposite effect. Here, we take a deeper look at the...

Can EFT help with Anxiety?

Can EFT help with Anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most common concerns that our clients come to see us about. Much more than simply feeling nervous or occasionally worried, an anxiety disorder is something that can be all-pervading in your life and sneak up at the most unexpected moments. Luckily, there are many great forms of therapy that are proven to be incredibly successful in treating anxiety. So, does EFT help with...

Managing Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World

Managing Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World

Results for "" Times are changing. For many of us, it’s a cliché that’s never been more appropriate or significant than it is today. If you’re someone who lives with stress or anxiety, you’re likely feeling those even more deeply these days, given all of the uncertainty going on. From health risks to social isolation, to job losses, changing routines, and even derailed travel plans – the world...

Simple Daily Habits to Help Manage Your Anxiety

Simple Daily Habits to Help Manage Your Anxiety

Results for "" For those who suffer with anxiety, it can be a daily struggle. There are hundreds of moments throughout the day when anxiety can creep in, and there’s often very little warning. Just as there is no typical anxiety sufferer, there is also no typical experience of anxiety; for some, anxiety is a constant, niggling worry at the back of the mind, for others, it is a near-constant...

The Link Between Stress and Weight

The Link Between Stress and Weight

Results for "" It’s just a matter of eating fewer calories, right? Or is it? Weight loss is a constant struggle for many Australians today, and the advice that our GPs give is generally along the lines of ‘it’s just a matter of more calories out [more exercise] and fewer calories in [eating less].’ But the fact is, it’s just not that simple. Like many people who struggle to maintain a healthy...

Surviving Holiday Season Stress

Surviving Holiday Season Stress

Results for "" Although the holiday season is meant to be a time for joy and celebration, it can also bring with it a great deal of stress. There are additional pressures to manage at this time of year that can make it hard to make it through the season without losing your cool. In this blog article, we offer a few simple tips that can help you to survive holiday season stress and make the most...


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