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Christmas & New Years Eve

Blog articles about mental health & self-care during the festive season. For some, Christmas & New Years can be a big trigger for anxiety & depression. Tips for getting through the festive season and also approaching a new year in a healthy way.

4 Different Ways to Be Healthy in the New Year

4 Different Ways to Be Healthy in the New Year

No matter how old you are, what the season is, or what you want to change, it’s never too late to add some healthy habits to your life. Most of us like to use the transition into a new year for resetting our goals and taking some time to be intentional about the year ahead. But, also like most of us, you’ve probably tried the ‘New Year, New Me’ thing a few times, with mixed results. Maybe you...

6 Anxiety-Busting New Year’s Resolutions

6 Anxiety-Busting New Year’s Resolutions

This time of the year, every year, the internet loves to debate about whether New Year’s resolutions are worthwhile. For those who suffer from anxiety, New Year’s resolutions can not only be difficult to accomplish, but they are also notorious for inducing further anxiety. So, instead of mulling over whether you should even be setting resolutions this year, try looking at it from a different...

How to Deal with Low Self-Esteem During the Holidays

How to Deal with Low Self-Esteem During the Holidays

Low self-esteem can be a difficult thing to deal with and manage at the best of times, but when the holiday season comes around, it can be even trickier. From seeing relatives who are judgemental or make comments about your weight, love life, or career, to attending parties where you feel self-conscious, to seeing everyone’s ‘perfect’ photos on Instagram, the holidays are particularly triggering...

The Top 6 ‘New Year New Me’ Fitness Tips from the Experts

The Top 6 ‘New Year New Me’ Fitness Tips from the Experts

Results for "" If you haven’t already made a list of your New Year’s Resolutions for 2020, but you’re hoping for a ‘New Year, New You’ this January, now’s the time to start thinking about your goals. The key to actually achieving your New Year’s Resolutions is to set goals that are both transformative and realistic. We’ve pulled together the top health and fitness tips from the experts to help...

Why the New Year is a GREAT Time to Start Seeing a Counsellor

Why the New Year is a GREAT Time to Start Seeing a Counsellor

Results for "" Are you hopeful leading into the New Year, or always worried that this next year is going to be the same as always? The New Year is a great time to start seeing a counsellor for so many reasons and could just mean that 2020 is your best year yet. Here are the top 7 reasons to start your counselling journey this new year. 1.  A counsellor can help in a lot of ways! Many people...

Christmas 2019 Survival Guide: Take Care of Yourself This Season

Christmas 2019 Survival Guide: Take Care of Yourself This Season

Results for "" Christmas: It’s supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year”, at least according to all the Christmas carols you’re likely hearing around town. Despite this, Christmas can be a really tough time for a lot of people. Whether or not you’re getting together with the family, sharing it with friends, working, or spending it alone, it can be a stressful, lonely, or...

2019 New Years Resolutions That are so Much Better Than a Fad Diet

2019 New Years Resolutions That are so Much Better Than a Fad Diet

Results for "" Have you ever wondered what other people are setting as their New Year’s Resolutions? Are people hoping to make more money, get a promotion at work, buy a bigger house or car? Surprisingly, these are not the go-to resolutions for most of us. The most popular resolutions for each new year include losing weight, getting fit, eating better and spending more time with loved ones. That...

Is This Your First Holiday Season After Divorce?

Is This Your First Holiday Season After Divorce?

Results for "" The holidays can be a joyous time, no matter how you celebrate. However, for many of us, they can also be a time of heightened stress and even loneliness. For anyone who’s recently gone through a separation or divorce, this can be a particularly trying time of year. 1. Getting through roadblocks According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 30% of marriages in Australia end in...

Surviving Holiday Season Stress

Surviving Holiday Season Stress

Results for "" Although the holiday season is meant to be a time for joy and celebration, it can also bring with it a great deal of stress. There are additional pressures to manage at this time of year that can make it hard to make it through the season without losing your cool. In this blog article, we offer a few simple tips that can help you to survive holiday season stress and make the most...

New Year, New You? How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Last

New Year, New You? How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Last

Results for "" Like many of us, you might have spent your New Year’s Day planning for 2018, setting goals and making resolutions for the year ahead. Making New Year’s resolutions is something that a lot of people do, but very few actually manage to stick to! In fact, less than 10% of New Year’s resolutions are ever realised. Whether your resolution be to get healthy, lose weight, save money, get...


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