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Blog articles about depression: research, statistics, symptoms, therapy, treatment and coping strategies.  Depression is a common mental health condition that unfortunately impacts many Australians every day. Unfortunately there is a lot of stigma around depression, these blog articles are here to help you better understand depression, and provide some strategies to help.

Why is Depression in Men Different from Depression in Women?

Why is Depression in Men Different from Depression in Women?

Depression is a mental health condition that can significantly affect your feelings, thoughts, and day-to-day ability to function. It’s an issue that’s becoming increasingly prevalent in Australia, and among Australian men. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 8 men will experience depression in their lives. However, the way men experience, express, and manage depression can be quite different to...

Depression in Older Australians: Can Depression Start After Retirement?

Depression in Older Australians: Can Depression Start After Retirement?

Most of us look forward to our retirement. It’s seen as a time for relaxation, a well-deserved break from the demands of work, and a time when we can put our own goals and desires first. The kids have long left home, the grandkids are a delight when they’re around, but for the most part, it’s a time for ourselves. But retirement is not without its challenges. For many older Australians,...

Can Human Connection Help You Fight Depression?

Can Human Connection Help You Fight Depression?

Building Strong Connections and Seeking Counselling for a Healthier You According to one recent study by Massachusetts General Hospital, “social connection [is] the strongest protective factor for depression.” Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. And although there is no one-size-fits-all solution to overcoming depression, studies have shown that...

Can I Beat Depression with Optimism?

Can I Beat Depression with Optimism?

Studies show that optimistic people have better overall well-being than pessimists. Research also shows that optimists respond better to depression treatment than others. Then you’ve got popular terms like PMA (positive mental attitude) and ‘good vibes only’. Optimism does seem like the solution for feeling low. But is it true – can you beat depression with optimism? Let’s take a look.  What is...

Does Living Alone Increase Your Risk of Depression?

Does Living Alone Increase Your Risk of Depression?

According to new research, living alone can increase a person’s risk of developing depression. During the pandemic, many people found themselves isolated and, as the data shows, rates of depression skyrocketed. But does living alone predispose you to depression? And if living alone isn’t a choice but more a necessity, what can you do to combat potential depression? Is depression linked to...

You Can Begin Depression and Anxiety Treatment at Home Right Now

You Can Begin Depression and Anxiety Treatment at Home Right Now

Making the decision to start seeing a therapist – be it a counsellor or psychologist – can hold many people back from undertaking treatment for their depression or anxiety. If you’re someone who experiences depression and/or anxiety, you’ll know all too well how difficult it can be to reach out. Thankfully, there are some things you can do right now to help ease the burden of...

Types of Therapy for Depression You Haven’t Tried, but Should

Types of Therapy for Depression You Haven’t Tried, but Should

There are many different approaches to treating depression. Ask most doctors and they’ll tell you about all the different kinds of drugs you can try. But for many people, using medication to treat depression is not an option. Perhaps you’ve tried medication for depression before and found it ineffective, or you found that the side effects were not something you could live with. Or, like some...

Treating Depression and Anxiety with Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Treating Depression and Anxiety with Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) has been proven to be very effective for treating depression and anxiety, yet many sufferers have never heard of it! In this article, we uncover all you need to know about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and help you learn whether it could be the right therapy for you. What is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)?  Dialectical Behaviour Therapy is a...

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Depression and Anxiety

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Depression and Anxiety

Do you suffer from depression or anxiety? Like thousands of other Australians, you have probably tried all kinds of things to feel better and tackle your depression or anxiety. From taking medication to seeing a therapist, there are a variety of things you can turn to. But for many, there is little relief and their symptoms continue to make living a happy and fulfilled life really difficult. If...

Do I Have Depression? Most Common Misunderstood Signs

Do I Have Depression? Most Common Misunderstood Signs

If you’ve been wondering ‘Do I have depression?’, you’re not alone. Many millions of people in Australia and around the world experience depression. Some, from time to time. And some, for ongoing periods or most of their lives. Understanding the difference between things like sadness, stress, anxiety, or other common problems and depression, however, is the key to getting the right kind of help....


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