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Blog articles about depression: research, statistics, symptoms, therapy, treatment and coping strategies.  Depression is a common mental health condition that unfortunately impacts many Australians every day. Unfortunately there is a lot of stigma around depression, these blog articles are here to help you better understand depression, and provide some strategies to help.

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Results for "" Do you find winter a difficult time for both your physical and mental health? It isn’t called the ‘winter blues’ for nothing. In fact, there’s even a scientific term for it: SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, many of us find ourselves having trouble getting out of bed and facing the day. Seasonal Affective Disorder is...

Why Depression Can Be Hard to Spot

Why Depression Can Be Hard to Spot

Results for "" Depression is an insidious thing: It can be subtle, and hard to spot. Furthermore, it affects people from all walks of life, and there is no ‘typical’ sufferer of depression. Over the years, the world has been shocked by many high-profile personalities and celebrities who have revealed that they suffer from depression. Often, some of the most successful and seemingly happy people...

The Best Ways to Stop Depression from Recurring

The Best Ways to Stop Depression from Recurring

Results for "" As many as 3 million Australians currently suffer with depression, and the figures are steadily growing. Depression is so common that it is estimated one in six women, and one in eight men, will suffer from depression in their lifetime. One of the most difficult aspects of depression is that it can continue to occur throughout the sufferer’s life, and can be almost impossible to...

Depression Treatment Without Medication

Depression Treatment Without Medication

Results for "" Depression is alarmingly common these days, and yet, many treatment options are still rather trial-and-error in nature. All too often, depression is treated with medications which present a number of unpleasant side-effects, and doctors have no choice but to ‘trial’ patients on different drugs in the hope that one of them will be effective in treating the symptoms. Little do many...


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