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Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition & Fitness

Blog articles to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle. Discover the benefits of eating healthier, regular exercise, and prioritising your mental health.  Start with small consistent changes, choose one simple action you can do every day and build momentum and confidence in your ability to prioritise self-care, and improve the quality of your life.

From Weight Loss to Chronic Pain: Functional Medicine is Key

From Weight Loss to Chronic Pain: Functional Medicine is Key

When most of the world treats illness today, it focuses on isolated symptoms and diseases. And it makes sense at first glance: Suffering from an illness? Take a medication that treats the illness. Need surgery? Book yourself in for that! However, this approach fails so many people in failing to look at the bigger picture. That’s where functional medicine comes in. What is functional medicine?...

Epigenetics: Switching Your Weight Loss Genes ON and OFF

Epigenetics: Switching Your Weight Loss Genes ON and OFF

The term ‘epigenetics’ has been around for over a hundred years, and yet, there is still so much we don’t understand about it. However, as the research into the field of epigenetics processes – scientists are uncovering more astonishing information about how your genes (DNA) and your epigenome affect many things from your health, your likelihood to develop certain diseases, your ability to...

Weight Loss and Your Genes: What We Know

Weight Loss and Your Genes: What We Know

Weight loss is a phrase that’s on many people’s minds at the moment, especially given it’s the start of a new year. Burning off those calories and ‘losing that holiday weight gain’ are messages that you’re probably seeing in your Facebook and Instagram feeds right now, not to mention on your morning television programs, and just about everywhere else you look. Diet ads are creeping not-so-slowly...

Why Diet and Exercise Alone Won’t Help You to Lose Weight

Why Diet and Exercise Alone Won’t Help You to Lose Weight

The diet industry (worth BILLIONS of dollars each year) would have us believe that weight loss is simply a matter of numbers: The number of calories eaten. The number of calories burned off. The number of hours spent in the gym versus the number of treats we put into our mouths. But if the diet industry’s huge success can tell us anything, it’s that diets don’t work, and focusing on just diet...

Why Caloric Deficit IS NOT a Silver Bullet for Weight Loss

Why Caloric Deficit IS NOT a Silver Bullet for Weight Loss

Have you been struggling with your weight? You’re not alone. In fact, millions of adult Australians struggle with their weight. You’ve probably even been to a doctor or seen a personal trainer who tells you it’s a simple matter of ‘calories in versus calories out’ or espouses the benefits of a ‘caloric deficit’. The question is: If weight loss were a simple matter of achieving a caloric deficit,...

6 Post-lockdown Fitness Tips

6 Post-lockdown Fitness Tips

Results for "" Now that lockdown restrictions are easing, gyms and fitness studios are opening back up, and things are starting to return to a new version of normal, many of you are probably thinking about getting back into your pre-lockdown fitness routines. However, unsurprisingly, for many Australians, our fitness and healthy eating habits went into hibernation during the lockdown. If that’s...

The Top 6 ‘New Year New Me’ Fitness Tips from the Experts

The Top 6 ‘New Year New Me’ Fitness Tips from the Experts

Results for "" If you haven’t already made a list of your New Year’s Resolutions for 2020, but you’re hoping for a ‘New Year, New You’ this January, now’s the time to start thinking about your goals. The key to actually achieving your New Year’s Resolutions is to set goals that are both transformative and realistic. We’ve pulled together the top health and fitness tips from the experts to help...

“But I’m not an Alcoholic!”: The Hidden Signs of Alcohol Addiction

“But I’m not an Alcoholic!”: The Hidden Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Results for "" Alcohol addiction, like many other addictions, is not always obvious. In fact, the nature of addiction can lead people to conceal their habit, make excuses for it, and even convince themselves that they don’t have a problem. Many articles relating to spotting alcohol addiction are aimed at detecting a problem in someone we know. However, very few resources are designed to help us...

The #SOBERCURIOUS Movement: Are You Ready to Give Drinking A Break?

The #SOBERCURIOUS Movement: Are You Ready to Give Drinking A Break?

Results for "" The Sober Curious movement is one of the latest social media health trends – like Dry July and Sober October – and its accompanying hashtag #sobercurious is growing in popularity by the day. The cornerstone of the #sobercurious movement is the idea that exploring sobriety is not simply for those with a debilitating problem with alcohol. Instead, the movement encourages...

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Results for "" Do you find winter a difficult time for both your physical and mental health? It isn’t called the ‘winter blues’ for nothing. In fact, there’s even a scientific term for it: SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, many of us find ourselves having trouble getting out of bed and facing the day. Seasonal Affective Disorder is...


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