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Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition & Fitness

Blog articles to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle. Discover the benefits of eating healthier, regular exercise, and prioritising your mental health.  Start with small consistent changes, choose one simple action you can do every day and build momentum and confidence in your ability to prioritise self-care, and improve the quality of your life.

The Hidden Enemy of Your Health

The Hidden Enemy of Your Health

Results for "" Have you taken a good look around your supermarket lately? The shelves are so riddled with ‘low fat’ alternatives to your regular grocery items that you’d be forgiven for believing one of the 20th century’s most pervasive myths: That fat is the enemy of your health. In fact, the myth that fat is a killer was perhaps the greatest PR and marketing success of its time. So successful...

What is HIIT and how is it helping millions?

What is HIIT and how is it helping millions?

Results for "" You’ve probably seen the term ‘HIIT’ doing the rounds of the gyms and personal training studios of the Gold Coast over the last couple of years, as the phenomenon grows in popularity. But what is HIIT, and why is it so popular? HIIT: High intensity interval training The HIIT exercise method has become one of the most popular workouts chosen by both athletes, gym junkies and...

Miracle Weight-Loss Combo: HIIT and Intermittent Fasting

Miracle Weight-Loss Combo: HIIT and Intermittent Fasting

Results for "" If you’re trying to lose weight, there’s no overlooking diet and exercise. The advice around which of these two factors is more important varies widely depending on who you’re speaking to. Many so-called experts will espouse the benefits of exercise over eating, whilst others will swear black and blue that what you’re eating is far more important than exercising. The truth of the...

The Link Between Stress and Weight

The Link Between Stress and Weight

Results for "" It’s just a matter of eating fewer calories, right? Or is it? Weight loss is a constant struggle for many Australians today, and the advice that our GPs give is generally along the lines of ‘it’s just a matter of more calories out [more exercise] and fewer calories in [eating less].’ But the fact is, it’s just not that simple. Like many people who struggle to maintain a healthy...

Why Your Diet Isn’t Working

Why Your Diet Isn’t Working

Results for "" Have you tried every diet under the sun? Paleo, Atkins, low-carb, keto, low-fat, and more? Found little to no success? Perhaps you’ve even tried one or two that helped you lose a few kilos, only to find that within a few short weeks after you stopped the diet the weight was back again – and then some! There’s a reason the diet industry is so incredibly lucrative – because fad...

5 Daily Rituals to Improve Your Energy

5 Daily Rituals to Improve Your Energy

Results for "" Do you make your bed? Do you eat breakfast? Do you have more than 5 minutes of alone time during the day? These might each seem like insignificant details in the grand scheme of your busy life, but small daily rituals can have a big impact on your energy. If you’re feeling low on energy and could use a boost, consider adding these 5 daily rituals to your routine, and improve your...

How to Make 2019 Your Best (Mental Health) Year Yet

How to Make 2019 Your Best (Mental Health) Year Yet

Results for "" Raise your hand if you’ve ever set yourself a hugely ambitious new year’s resolution? To write a book? To climb Everest? Or maybe just to quit smoking, join the gym and get fit? Hands up again if you’ve failed to meet nearly every one of those resolutions. You’re not alone there. In our January blog, New Year, New You? How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Last, we mentioned...

Finding it Hard to Get Fit? Try a Unique Approach to Personal Training!

Finding it Hard to Get Fit? Try a Unique Approach to Personal Training!

Results for "" Are you finding it hard to get fit? Perhaps you’ve been trying to get fitter, feel healthier or lose weight for years with very little success. Sadly, you’re not alone. Living a healthy lifestyle and getting fit is becoming harder and harder for most of us, as we struggle to manage our busy daily lives. For many of us, taking care of those around us takes precedence over keeping...

Dieting and Dementia: How Your Diet Can Reduce the Risk of Dementia

Dieting and Dementia: How Your Diet Can Reduce the Risk of Dementia

Results for "" Many Australians are concerned with eating well and exercising to maintain a healthy weight range, encourage longevity and generally feel good about themselves. However, what many don’t realise is that a good diet can reduce the risk of dementia, and fight off a range of other degenerative diseases. Dieting and dementia are intrinsically linked, and here, we take a look at some...

Everyday Issues Your Counsellor Can Help With

Everyday Issues Your Counsellor Can Help With

Results for "" If you’ve never seen a counsellor before, you may be forgiven for thinking that ‘therapy’ is only for those who are suffering from a mental illness, or ‘serious’ personal problems. While seeing a counsellor is becoming increasingly popular, there are still many people who do not realise the scope of what a counsellor can help with. Despite what you may believe, a counsellor can...


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