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Holistic Therapy

Blog articles about holistic therapy; psychotherapy that addresses the mind, body, spirit, and emotions to support better health, healing and quality of life! With this approach all areas of a person and their life are considered, and form part of the treatment plan. In addition, the path to recovery is tailored to each individual, based on a number of factors.  The main goal is to explore the underlying causes of the presenting problems and symptoms in order to treat the whole person.

Chronic Pain and Mental Health: Holistic Approaches to Healing

Chronic Pain and Mental Health: Holistic Approaches to Healing

If you’re someone who lives with chronic pain, you will know how it can cast a shadow over your entire life. It’s not just about the physical discomfort. Chronic pain can significantly impact your mental health too. Research has consistently shown that people with chronic pain are at a higher risk of developing depression, anxiety, and even experiencing a lower quality of life. According...

Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of PSYCH-K™ Therapy

Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of PSYCH-K™ Therapy

If you’ve ever found yourself grappling with invisible barriers to success, you’re not alone. These barriers can keep you from reaching your full potential. That means, even when you’re doing everything right, working on yourself, staying healthy in mind and body, setting goals for yourself, and working hard to achieve them, there always seems to be something holding you back. What most of us...

5 Lesser-Known Holistic Therapies to Boost Mental Health

5 Lesser-Known Holistic Therapies to Boost Mental Health

Exploring mental health options can often feel like a daunting task. You may have tried the usual routes, but still find yourself searching for something different. Something that speaks to your unique experience and offers new ways to manage your well-being. If this sounds like you, it might be time to explore some lesser-known holistic therapies for better mental health.  In this blog,...

Integrative Health: How to Combine Traditional and Alternative Therapies for Better Mental Health

Integrative Health: How to Combine Traditional and Alternative Therapies for Better Mental Health

Mental health and well-being are incredibly complex and are contributed to by a variety of factors, including our past experiences, genetic makeup, current circumstances, and more. In the search for improved mental health and healing, many of us find ourselves navigating a myriad of recommendations and treatments. On one hand, we have the popular traditional approaches — either those prescribed...

How Can Holistic Counselling Help Me?

How Can Holistic Counselling Help Me?

Can holistic counselling help you? Have you ever tried traditional talking therapy before and found that it didn’t quite work for you? Perhaps it didn’t address all aspects of your life, leaving you feeling like something was missing, or maybe it felt too focused on your thoughts and emotions while neglecting your physical or spiritual well-being. In today’s fast-paced and...

What is Holistic Therapy and How Can it Help?

What is Holistic Therapy and How Can it Help?

At Integrated Health Specialists, we have developed a holistic wellness model for holistic therapists & counsellors to utilise when working with clients. The model illustrates that health is based upon seven fundamental levels: psychological, expression, connection, vocational, emotional, physical, and spiritual. From a holistic therapy point of view, chemical, physical, and psychological...

From Weight Loss to Chronic Pain: Functional Medicine is Key

From Weight Loss to Chronic Pain: Functional Medicine is Key

When most of the world treats illness today, it focuses on isolated symptoms and diseases. And it makes sense at first glance: Suffering from an illness? Take a medication that treats the illness. Need surgery? Book yourself in for that! However, this approach fails so many people in failing to look at the bigger picture. That’s where functional medicine comes in. What is functional medicine?...

Radio Interview: A Holistic and Solutions-Based Approach to Mental Health

Radio Interview: A Holistic and Solutions-Based Approach to Mental Health

Results for "" Check out the recent radio interview I did on eHealth Radio: https://ehealthradio.podbean.com/e/a-holistic-and-solutions-based-approach-to-mental-health/ The ideal of holistic well-being is the realisation of our human potential as total beings, and our desire to live fulfilling and satisfying lives. The goal is not just to be “well” in the physical body, but also to be in harmony...

What is Holistic Psychology?

What is Holistic Psychology?

Results for "" “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” This much quoted phrase by Aristotle quite succinctly summarises the basic tenet of holistic psychology. More traditional approaches in psychology have tended to focus on the study and explanation of the human mind and its functions specifically through behaviours that can be observed, measured, and calibrated. This, at times, has...

So…what is Holistic Health?

So…what is Holistic Health?

Results for "" Holistic health is a concept that all potential contributing factors which may affect a person’s well-being, are taken into consideration when assessing a person’s overall health.  Holistic health in traditional medical practice upholds that all aspects of people’s needs, physical, social, and mental, should be taken into account and seen as a whole.  In alternative medicine, it...


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