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Learn how hypnotherapy can assist in managing your symptoms, behaviours, habits, and mental health conditions, by directly accessing your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is a type of mind-body therapy in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility in the treatment of many issues. Hypnosis is a method of inducing a trance or a dream-like state of deep relaxation and inner-focus to make lasting changes.  Learn more by reading our collection of blog articles about hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy for Sleep – Can it Help You?

Hypnotherapy for Sleep – Can it Help You?

There’s a reason sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture. It’s enough to drive you crazy! And it affects around 1 in 3 Australians at any given time. For some people, it means a little sleeplessness for a few days or weeks, at certain times in their lives. For others, it’s an ongoing chronic condition that can mean a lifetime of poor sleep. In this article, we discuss more about insomnia...

Hypnotherapy Changed My Life: 3 Personal Stories

Hypnotherapy Changed My Life: 3 Personal Stories

Hypnotherapy, or the use of hypnosis by a trained professional, has been used as a form of therapy for decades now. When performed by an experienced practitioner, hypnotherapy is a tried and tested therapeutic technique that can have an enormous positive impact on people’s lives. And yet, the benefits of hypnosis are still not entirely understood by many. In this article, we take a look at some...

Does Hypnosis Work and Can it Help You?

Does Hypnosis Work and Can it Help You?

Results for "" You’ve probably heard of hypnotherapy, but have you ever tried it for yourself? Does hypnosis work? There are plenty of myths and misinformation surrounding hypnotherapy, but the truth is, this therapy can be one of the most effective and long-lasting treatments for all kinds of things, from phobias and anxiety, to quitting smoking or even overcoming self-doubt. In this article,...

Facing Your Fears: Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Facing Your Fears: Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Results for "" If you’ve ever wondered does hypnotherapy work?, you’ve probably been hoping that it might be the solution for you. Perhaps you have a bad habit that you’d like to overcome, such as smoking or nail biting? You might have wondered whether hypnotherapy could help with your weight loss goals, when nothing else seems to be effective. Or, perhaps, you’ve got a debilitating fear, which...

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit Smoking

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit Smoking

Results for "" The health risks associated with smoking are well documented, and there are a number of methods around to help smokers break the habit. But are there other ways to support the quitting process for those who’ve tried everything from patches to counselling? Hypnotherapy offers an effective option to quit smoking, and is well worth trying for those exploring their potential options. ...

How Can Hypnotherapy Help You?

How Can Hypnotherapy Help You?

Results for "" A huge range of negative beliefs and fears entrenched deep within your subconscious mind can be treated with hypnotherapy. This is because hypnotherapy taps into the vast reservoir of your subconscious, so you can actually process and work through whatever issues you may be facing. Think of how a sensory trigger like a scent can bring to mind details you had forgotten about for...

5 Things You May Not Know About Hypnosis

5 Things You May Not Know About Hypnosis

Results for "" Hypnosis has been around for a very long time, with almost every ancient culture practicing hypnotic trances of some form. Despite its long history, however, many people still associate hypnosis with the mythical, or films and stories told in the media. With stage performers and movie characters representing the practice in mainstream media, the true facts about hypnotherapy are...


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