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Life Coaching

Blog articles about life coaching.  A life coach helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater happiness and fulfillment. A life coach is a professionally trained practitioner to help you maximise your full potential and reach your desired results in many areas of your life.

How to Find a Personal Life Coach

How to Find a Personal Life Coach

How do I find a personal life coach? Where can I find a Gold Coast Life Coach? Should I try online life coaching or find a life coach I can see in person? All great questions! These days, there are no shortage of options for life coaches, both online and face-to-face. Here, we break down how to find a life coach that’s perfect for you. Why hire a personal life coach? Have you tried to make...

Life Coaching Success Stories

Life Coaching Success Stories

Most of us are familiar with coaching, right? Your favourite sports stars and world-class athletes all have coaches. Some of the most successful business people in the world wouldn’t be where they are today without business coaching. But there’s one type of coaching that is still a bit of a mystery to many of us, and that’s life coaching. Whether you’ve met someone who’s worked with a life coach...

Differences Between Counselling and Life Coaching

Differences Between Counselling and Life Coaching

How do you know whether life coaching or counselling is the right choice to help you? Here, we uncover some of the key differences to help you discover which of the two types of therapy is the most appropriate for your needs. At Integrated Health Specialists, we offer both life coaching and counselling services on the Gold Coast, as well as psychology services. And so, we are often asked the...

Does NLP Work and Could it Help You?

Does NLP Work and Could it Help You?

Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP, has been around for over 30 years now, and has become a popular form of therapy in many practices around the world. And yet, most people have either never heard of it, or have very little understanding of what it actually entails. Here, we take a closer look at NLP, answer the question ‘does NLP work?’, and help you discover whether it could help you. What...

Is Life Coaching Rubbish or Life Changing?

Is Life Coaching Rubbish or Life Changing?

Results for "" Everyone from Hugh Jackman to Oprah Winfrey is espousing the benefits of having a life coach these days, and because of this celebrity lifestyle trend, we’ve seen a huge number of people jump onto the life coaching bandwagon. New ‘life coaches’ are popping up all over the place, professing to be able to turn you ‘from zero to hero’ with their one-of-a-kind life coaching formula....

4 Powerful Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

4 Powerful Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

Results for "" Goal setting is an important part of life. Whether for self-improvement or self-care, or to be more successful in career or study; setting goals is key to achieving the growth that we’re hoping for. No matter what your goals are, achieving them can be difficult without the proper tools. Here, we uncover 4 simple, actionable tools to help you reach your goals. 1. Put the...

The Power of Personal Growth and How to Tap into It

The Power of Personal Growth and How to Tap into It

Results for "" What does personal growth mean to you? Would it surprise you to know that many people – probably a good percentage of the people you know – go through their lives without ever really considering their own personal growth? The power of personal growth lies in its ability to transform your life through positive mental, physical, emotional and circumstantial change. By tapping into...

Suffered a setback? 6 Steps to get your groove back

Suffered a setback? 6 Steps to get your groove back

Results for "" Have you suffered a setback recently? Something that’s shaken your confidence and derailed your plans in life? Perhaps you’ve found yourself falling back into old habits and patterns that no longer serve you? It’s easy to get so caught up with what’s going on in your day-to-day life – especially after a setback throws you off course – that you don’t realise these habits and...

6 Signs You Need a Life Coach

6 Signs You Need a Life Coach

Results for "" Do you need a life coach? ‘Life coaching’ may seem like the latest in a long line of buzzwords making their way into our 21st-century vernacular, when in fact the practice has been around for decades. Akin to therapists like counsellors or psychologists, life coaches have been helping people to change their lives for the better for many years. In fact, many of the skills that a...

6 Ways Life Coaching Can Benefit You

6 Ways Life Coaching Can Benefit You

Results for "" The ultimate purpose of our lives is to be happy. Yet so many people live their life bound by dissatisfaction and frustration. Failing to identify and reach goals in life can leave people feeling unfulfilled, and having no direction in life. Looking around seeing others succeed, but not feeling like you’re cutting the mustard? There is a secret behind many of those people who are...


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