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Psychology, Counselling & Psychotherapy

Blog articles about psychology, counselling & psychotherapy: topics relating to all things mental health and how seeking professional help can assist you.  This archive has numerous articles about the different types of therapies, the similarities and differences, the processes, the benefits, and important considerations when choosing appropriate mental health support.

Chronic Pain and Mental Health: Holistic Approaches to Healing

Chronic Pain and Mental Health: Holistic Approaches to Healing

If you’re someone who lives with chronic pain, you will know how it can cast a shadow over your entire life. It’s not just about the physical discomfort. Chronic pain can significantly impact your mental health too. Research has consistently shown that people with chronic pain are at a higher risk of developing depression, anxiety, and even experiencing a lower quality of life. According...

Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of PSYCH-K™ Therapy

Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of PSYCH-K™ Therapy

If you’ve ever found yourself grappling with invisible barriers to success, you’re not alone. These barriers can keep you from reaching your full potential. That means, even when you’re doing everything right, working on yourself, staying healthy in mind and body, setting goals for yourself, and working hard to achieve them, there always seems to be something holding you back. What most of us...

5 Lesser-Known Holistic Therapies to Boost Mental Health

5 Lesser-Known Holistic Therapies to Boost Mental Health

Exploring mental health options can often feel like a daunting task. You may have tried the usual routes, but still find yourself searching for something different. Something that speaks to your unique experience and offers new ways to manage your well-being. If this sounds like you, it might be time to explore some lesser-known holistic therapies for better mental health.  In this blog,...

Integrative Health: How to Combine Traditional and Alternative Therapies for Better Mental Health

Integrative Health: How to Combine Traditional and Alternative Therapies for Better Mental Health

Mental health and well-being are incredibly complex and are contributed to by a variety of factors, including our past experiences, genetic makeup, current circumstances, and more. In the search for improved mental health and healing, many of us find ourselves navigating a myriad of recommendations and treatments. On one hand, we have the popular traditional approaches — either those prescribed...

Should I Try Counselling Online?

Should I Try Counselling Online?

From shopping to socialising, and now even to mental health support, the internet is becoming a central part of our everyday lives. It’s only natural that many of the things we used to do in person are now being done online. During the pandemic in particular, online services became incredibly important for those who weren’t able to attend medical appointments, meetings, or even catch up with...

How Can Holistic Counselling Help Me?

How Can Holistic Counselling Help Me?

Can holistic counselling help you? Have you ever tried traditional talking therapy before and found that it didn’t quite work for you? Perhaps it didn’t address all aspects of your life, leaving you feeling like something was missing, or maybe it felt too focused on your thoughts and emotions while neglecting your physical or spiritual well-being. In today’s fast-paced and...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Psychology

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Psychology

When most people think about psychology, they imagine sitting on a therapist’s couch and talking about their feelings. And whilst talking therapy is a very important part of psychology, there is a lot more to it. In this article, we take a look at 5 things you didn’t know about psychology and outline why it might be a great option for you. 1. Psychology is older than you think Psychology is by...

The Stutz Tools from Jonah Hill’s New Documentary: Part Two

The Stutz Tools from Jonah Hill’s New Documentary: Part Two

Source: Netflix Welcome back to our two-part blog series on the Stutz tools from Jonah Hill’s new documentary. In our last blog, we covered a little about Phil Stutz and his approach to helping his clients (including famed actor and director, Jonah Hill) with their mental health. From depression to anxiety, low self-esteem, and more, Phil Stutz uses his tools to empower his clients to make...

The Stutz Tools from Jonah Hill’s New Documentary: Part One

The Stutz Tools from Jonah Hill’s New Documentary: Part One

You’ve probably heard about the new Netflix documentary Stutz, by actor and director, Jonah Hill. The film has been receiving rave reviews from critics and, even more interestingly, from those who’ve suffered from depression and anxiety or other mental health concerns. Could Phil Stutz’s unique ‘tools’ be the key to overcoming your own mental health struggles, as they’ve done for Jonah? To give...

What is Humanistic Therapy and Is it Right for You?

What is Humanistic Therapy and Is it Right for You?

In our latest series of blog articles, we’ve been discussing different types of therapy and how they can help you. In today’s article, we’re tackling Humanistic Therapy. Rather than an entirely different therapy, Humanistic Therapy is an approach to counselling that differs in some important ways to other therapies that you may have heard about. Humanistic Therapy puts emphasis upon the...


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