(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast

Relationships and Communication

Relationship counselling, also known as couples counselling or couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping couples improve their relationship. By working with a relationship therapist, couples can explore challenges in their relationship, improve their communication, deepen their connection and understanding of one another, and resolve current conflicts. Read our blog articles to get some tips on how to improve your relationship.

Is This Your First Holiday Season After Divorce?

Is This Your First Holiday Season After Divorce?

Results for "" The holidays can be a joyous time, no matter how you celebrate. However, for many of us, they can also be a time of heightened stress and even loneliness. For anyone who’s recently gone through a separation or divorce, this can be a particularly trying time of year. 1. Getting through roadblocks According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 30% of marriages in Australia end in...

6 Bad Habits That Lead Even ‘Perfect Couples’ To Divorce

6 Bad Habits That Lead Even ‘Perfect Couples’ To Divorce

Results for "" Most western countries claim a startlingly high divorce rate of around 50%, which is a worrying statistic for newlyweds and long-married couples alike. Australians, it seems, are a little less prone to this phenomenon than other nations, with around one in three Australian marriages ending in divorce. In fact, our divorce rate has been slowly but steadily lowering in recent...

6 Tips for Attracting the Right Kind of People into Your Life

6 Tips for Attracting the Right Kind of People into Your Life

Results for "" As solutions-focused practitioners, we are in the business of helping people to find real and meaningful solutions to the problems facing them. From learning to manage relationships, to building self-confidence and even overcoming trauma, we are concerned with helping people to improve their quality of life. However, living your best life is not solely an internal pursuit....

How to Remove a Toxic Person from Your Life (Even if They’re Family)

How to Remove a Toxic Person from Your Life (Even if They’re Family)

Results for "" You’ve heard again and again from people, “oh, but they’re family” as though this statement excuses all manner of behaviours. Despite this, some of the most toxic people in our lives can often be family. In fact, more often than not, most of us will tolerate behaviour from our family that we would never accept from our friends, colleagues or acquaintances. If you’ve got someone...

Everyday Issues Your Counsellor Can Help With

Everyday Issues Your Counsellor Can Help With

Results for "" If you’ve never seen a counsellor before, you may be forgiven for thinking that ‘therapy’ is only for those who are suffering from a mental illness, or ‘serious’ personal problems. While seeing a counsellor is becoming increasingly popular, there are still many people who do not realise the scope of what a counsellor can help with. Despite what you may believe, a counsellor can...

How Emotional Honesty Can Help in Your Relationships

How Emotional Honesty Can Help in Your Relationships

Results for "" “He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” -Thomas Paine Whilst you may consider yourself to be an honest person, have you ever thought about your own emotional honesty? Many of us don’t realise that we are being emotionally dishonest in our relationships with loved ones, despite our best intentions. The desire to be a good partner, a good parent and a good friend can...


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