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Blog articles for general self-help and personal development topics of interest. Self-help is the process of bettering oneself, overcoming one’s obstacles, problems and limiting beliefs, setting and working towards your goals, and reaching your maximum potential in life. Be the best version of you that you can be!

Can Money Buy Happiness? The Psychology of Being Rich

Can Money Buy Happiness? The Psychology of Being Rich

We all know that money doesn’t buy happiness. But do we all actually believe that? Or do many of us think that we would be the exception to this rule – that if we were to win the lottery or get that high-paying job, we’d be much, much happier? When it comes to the question ‘Can money buy happiness?’, it turns out, scientists have done a lot of work on the topic. It’s more nuanced than you might...

The Problem with Positive Affirmations and Anxiety

The Problem with Positive Affirmations and Anxiety

There are no shortage of self-help gurus speaking about the benefits of positive affirmations and how they can change your life. And for some people, they really do make a difference. However, if you suffer from ongoing anxiety, stress, depression, negative self-talk, or low self-worth and self-esteem, positive affirmations can have the very opposite effect. Here, we take a deeper look at the...

Does NLP Work and Could it Help You?

Does NLP Work and Could it Help You?

Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP, has been around for over 30 years now, and has become a popular form of therapy in many practices around the world. And yet, most people have either never heard of it, or have very little understanding of what it actually entails. Here, we take a closer look at NLP, answer the question ‘does NLP work?’, and help you discover whether it could help you. What...

Debunking the Life’s Purpose Myth

Debunking the Life’s Purpose Myth

How many times have you heard ‘what’s your life’s purpose?’ in your time? It’s something people can feel bombarded with or pressured to know the answer. But how many people do you know who’ve truly reached a great understanding of this in their life? Are you one of them? The truth is, the idea of having a single, burning ‘purpose’ in life is a troubling one for many people and can lead to...

Does Hypnosis Work and Can it Help You?

Does Hypnosis Work and Can it Help You?

Results for "" You’ve probably heard of hypnotherapy, but have you ever tried it for yourself? Does hypnosis work? There are plenty of myths and misinformation surrounding hypnotherapy, but the truth is, this therapy can be one of the most effective and long-lasting treatments for all kinds of things, from phobias and anxiety, to quitting smoking or even overcoming self-doubt. In this article,...

6 Steps to Getting Back into a Routine

6 Steps to Getting Back into a Routine

Results for "" Now that things seem to be finally starting to return to normal, life can seem a little strange. After spending so long in lockdown; maybe home schooling the kids, working from home, not being able to get to the gym or go for that weekly dinner or drinks session with friends, it can be difficult to get back into the swing of things. Here are six simple steps to getting back into a...

5 Motivation Habits for the Unmotivated

5 Motivation Habits for the Unmotivated

Results for "" How many times have you told yourself you’re going to get something done lately, before finding a reason – any reason – not to do it? Maybe it’s starting a workout routine at home, cleaning out your garage, or picking up the phone and calling your mum? A lack of motivation is something that we all suffer from time to time, but for some of us, it’s become an almost unbreakable...

5 Ways to Create a Better You During Lockdown

5 Ways to Create a Better You During Lockdown

Results for "" Let’s set the record straight right away – there is no ‘right way’ to be, during lockdown. These strange circumstances are something that we’ve never experienced as a community before now, and there’s no one way to cope. If you’re feeling a lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed, struggling to maintain your everyday routines, eating or exercising differently than you would...

What Advice Would You Give to Your Younger Self?

What Advice Would You Give to Your Younger Self?

Results for "" Giving advice comes naturally to most of us – but have you ever given it to yourself? According to new research released by Clemson University’s Robin Kowalski and Annie McCord (2020), letting your younger self know a thing or two now can be a valuable tool in managing stress and anxiety, and growing as a person. If you could give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it...

5 Psychology Hacks to Build Confidence

5 Psychology Hacks to Build Confidence

Results for "" Do you suffer from low self-esteem? Maybe you find it hard to believe in yourself and have a lack of confidence? Meanwhile, some people seem to skip through life with unshakeable confidence in themselves and somehow manage to achieve things you wouldn’t dream possible for yourself. Whilst it’s true that many of those people have an innate sense of self-confidence that they’ve had...


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