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Blog articles for general self-help and personal development topics of interest. Self-help is the process of bettering oneself, overcoming one’s obstacles, problems and limiting beliefs, setting and working towards your goals, and reaching your maximum potential in life. Be the best version of you that you can be!

Christmas 2019 Survival Guide: Take Care of Yourself This Season

Christmas 2019 Survival Guide: Take Care of Yourself This Season

Results for "" Christmas: It’s supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year”, at least according to all the Christmas carols you’re likely hearing around town. Despite this, Christmas can be a really tough time for a lot of people. Whether or not you’re getting together with the family, sharing it with friends, working, or spending it alone, it can be a stressful, lonely, or...

Communication Styles and Common Myths

Communication Styles and Common Myths

Results for "" In our last blog article, we covered the key (but often unknown) differences between introverts and extroverts. However, understanding these differences is only part of the key to unlocking better relationships with your partner, loved ones, friends and colleagues. Understanding the communication styles of those you interact with is also crucial to making the most of your...

The Differences Between Introverts and Extroverts

The Differences Between Introverts and Extroverts

Results for "" You may think you know the differences between introverts and extroverts. Introverts are quiet and reserved, whilst extroverts and louder and more confident, right? The truth is, these stereotypes don’t even nearly begin to cover the full depth of differences between introverts and extroverts. Some of these differences are subtle, and some are more obvious. Understanding the key...

The 7 things that REALLY make you unhappy

The 7 things that REALLY make you unhappy

Results for "" Ask any number of people and you’re unlikely to have anyone admit to wanting to be unhappy. And yet, no matter how hard we try, there often seems little we can do to change our perspective on life and find ourselves suddenly happier. The trouble is, we spend so much time chasing the things that we think will make us happy, that we overlook even the simplest things that are making...

MINIMALISM: Is all your ‘stuff’ making you unhappy?

MINIMALISM: Is all your ‘stuff’ making you unhappy?

Results for "" The term ‘minimalism’ first started to be used in the 20th century, as an architectural and later, an artistic movement. Nowadays, minimalism refers to a philosophy of ‘doing more with less’ and tends to bring to mind people like Marie Kondo and images of frantic de-cluttering of people’s homes. But minimalism is about much more than just cleaning out your unwanted junk. The...

4 Powerful Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

4 Powerful Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

Results for "" Goal setting is an important part of life. Whether for self-improvement or self-care, or to be more successful in career or study; setting goals is key to achieving the growth that we’re hoping for. No matter what your goals are, achieving them can be difficult without the proper tools. Here, we uncover 4 simple, actionable tools to help you reach your goals. 1. Put the...

The Power of Personal Growth and How to Tap into It

The Power of Personal Growth and How to Tap into It

Results for "" What does personal growth mean to you? Would it surprise you to know that many people – probably a good percentage of the people you know – go through their lives without ever really considering their own personal growth? The power of personal growth lies in its ability to transform your life through positive mental, physical, emotional and circumstantial change. By tapping into...

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Results for "" Do you find winter a difficult time for both your physical and mental health? It isn’t called the ‘winter blues’ for nothing. In fact, there’s even a scientific term for it: SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, many of us find ourselves having trouble getting out of bed and facing the day. Seasonal Affective Disorder is...

5 Daily Rituals to Improve Your Energy

5 Daily Rituals to Improve Your Energy

Results for "" Do you make your bed? Do you eat breakfast? Do you have more than 5 minutes of alone time during the day? These might each seem like insignificant details in the grand scheme of your busy life, but small daily rituals can have a big impact on your energy. If you’re feeling low on energy and could use a boost, consider adding these 5 daily rituals to your routine, and improve your...

2019 New Years Resolutions That are so Much Better Than a Fad Diet

2019 New Years Resolutions That are so Much Better Than a Fad Diet

Results for "" Have you ever wondered what other people are setting as their New Year’s Resolutions? Are people hoping to make more money, get a promotion at work, buy a bigger house or car? Surprisingly, these are not the go-to resolutions for most of us. The most popular resolutions for each new year include losing weight, getting fit, eating better and spending more time with loved ones. That...


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