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Low levels of self-worth can be linked to social anxiety, lack of confidence, and depression. Self-worth is based on valuing one’s inherent worth as a person and less about comparing oneself to others or needing external validation to feel good about yourself.  If you have low self-worth, you might feel shy or anxious around other people, think of yourself as incapable or criticise yourself harshly. Read our collection of blog articles about self-worth, and start the journey to improve yours today!

How to Deal with Low Self-Esteem During the Holidays

How to Deal with Low Self-Esteem During the Holidays

Low self-esteem can be a difficult thing to deal with and manage at the best of times, but when the holiday season comes around, it can be even trickier. From seeing relatives who are judgemental or make comments about your weight, love life, or career, to attending parties where you feel self-conscious, to seeing everyone’s ‘perfect’ photos on Instagram, the holidays are particularly triggering...

The Dangerous Downsides of Perfectionism

The Dangerous Downsides of Perfectionism

Many of us consider perfectionism to be a positive characteristic. After all, who doesn’t wish they could be perfect? However, experts have found that perfectionism is not only NOT a positive trait to hold, but can be downright dangerous. In this article, we explore the dangerous downsides of perfectionism and why you should work towards unlearning your perfectionist tendencies. 1. Perfectionism...

5 Psychology Hacks to Build Confidence

5 Psychology Hacks to Build Confidence

Results for "" Do you suffer from low self-esteem? Maybe you find it hard to believe in yourself and have a lack of confidence? Meanwhile, some people seem to skip through life with unshakeable confidence in themselves and somehow manage to achieve things you wouldn’t dream possible for yourself. Whilst it’s true that many of those people have an innate sense of self-confidence that they’ve had...

Eight Habits of Highly Confident People

Eight Habits of Highly Confident People

Results for "" Confidence is an attitude, a way of life, a way of seeing yourself and seeing the world. But confidence doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people. The good news is, it can be developed by implementing a few key habits that highly confident people tend to have. These 8 habits can make even the most self-conscious person feel confident, with practice. 1. Not ‘if’ but...

Are You a People Pleaser? Why You Need to Stop Trying to Please Others

Are You a People Pleaser? Why You Need to Stop Trying to Please Others

Results for "" You know the type: The people who would rather just say ‘yes’, putting themselves out, than confront or say no to others. Those who will go to almost any efforts to please. Those who are up at night wondering if they’ve offended someone, or why someone doesn’t like them. The first person to arrive at a meeting and the first to apologise for something that’s completely out of their...

Everyday Issues Your Counsellor Can Help With

Everyday Issues Your Counsellor Can Help With

Results for "" If you’ve never seen a counsellor before, you may be forgiven for thinking that ‘therapy’ is only for those who are suffering from a mental illness, or ‘serious’ personal problems. While seeing a counsellor is becoming increasingly popular, there are still many people who do not realise the scope of what a counsellor can help with. Despite what you may believe, a counsellor can...


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