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Weight Loss

Blog articles about weight loss: current research, suggestions, and strategies to help you to lose weight and improve your quality of life.  At Integrated Health Specialists, we adopt an integrated approach to weight loss which considers the many factors that can contribute to a person being overweight. It includes not only diet and exercise, but also the emotional and psychological components that play a huge role in the body’s ability to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

From Weight Loss to Chronic Pain: Functional Medicine is Key

From Weight Loss to Chronic Pain: Functional Medicine is Key

When most of the world treats illness today, it focuses on isolated symptoms and diseases. And it makes sense at first glance: Suffering from an illness? Take a medication that treats the illness. Need surgery? Book yourself in for that! However, this approach fails so many people in failing to look at the bigger picture. That’s where functional medicine comes in. What is functional medicine?...

Epigenetics: Switching Your Weight Loss Genes ON and OFF

Epigenetics: Switching Your Weight Loss Genes ON and OFF

The term ‘epigenetics’ has been around for over a hundred years, and yet, there is still so much we don’t understand about it. However, as the research into the field of epigenetics processes – scientists are uncovering more astonishing information about how your genes (DNA) and your epigenome affect many things from your health, your likelihood to develop certain diseases, your ability to...

Weight Loss and Your Genes: What We Know

Weight Loss and Your Genes: What We Know

Weight loss is a phrase that’s on many people’s minds at the moment, especially given it’s the start of a new year. Burning off those calories and ‘losing that holiday weight gain’ are messages that you’re probably seeing in your Facebook and Instagram feeds right now, not to mention on your morning television programs, and just about everywhere else you look. Diet ads are creeping not-so-slowly...

Why It’s Time to Quit Dieting for Good

Why It’s Time to Quit Dieting for Good

With the festive season upon us, we’re all about to be bombarded with the ‘New Year New You’ advertisements and the ‘Have YOU put on a few pounds lately?’ guilt-inducing messaging. But by now, we all know diets don’t work, don’t we? Yet still, the $72 billion diet industry is constantly shaming us with misinformation and trying to convince us that the only way we’ll be happy with ourselves is to...

Why Diet and Exercise Alone Won’t Help You to Lose Weight

Why Diet and Exercise Alone Won’t Help You to Lose Weight

The diet industry (worth BILLIONS of dollars each year) would have us believe that weight loss is simply a matter of numbers: The number of calories eaten. The number of calories burned off. The number of hours spent in the gym versus the number of treats we put into our mouths. But if the diet industry’s huge success can tell us anything, it’s that diets don’t work, and focusing on just diet...

Why Caloric Deficit IS NOT a Silver Bullet for Weight Loss

Why Caloric Deficit IS NOT a Silver Bullet for Weight Loss

Have you been struggling with your weight? You’re not alone. In fact, millions of adult Australians struggle with their weight. You’ve probably even been to a doctor or seen a personal trainer who tells you it’s a simple matter of ‘calories in versus calories out’ or espouses the benefits of a ‘caloric deficit’. The question is: If weight loss were a simple matter of achieving a caloric deficit,...

Miracle Weight-Loss Combo: HIIT and Intermittent Fasting

Miracle Weight-Loss Combo: HIIT and Intermittent Fasting

Results for "" If you’re trying to lose weight, there’s no overlooking diet and exercise. The advice around which of these two factors is more important varies widely depending on who you’re speaking to. Many so-called experts will espouse the benefits of exercise over eating, whilst others will swear black and blue that what you’re eating is far more important than exercising. The truth of the...

The Link Between Stress and Weight

The Link Between Stress and Weight

Results for "" It’s just a matter of eating fewer calories, right? Or is it? Weight loss is a constant struggle for many Australians today, and the advice that our GPs give is generally along the lines of ‘it’s just a matter of more calories out [more exercise] and fewer calories in [eating less].’ But the fact is, it’s just not that simple. Like many people who struggle to maintain a healthy...

Why Your Diet Isn’t Working

Why Your Diet Isn’t Working

Results for "" Have you tried every diet under the sun? Paleo, Atkins, low-carb, keto, low-fat, and more? Found little to no success? Perhaps you’ve even tried one or two that helped you lose a few kilos, only to find that within a few short weeks after you stopped the diet the weight was back again – and then some! There’s a reason the diet industry is so incredibly lucrative – because fad...

These Three Tips are Your Key to Losing Weight in 2019

These Three Tips are Your Key to Losing Weight in 2019

Results for "" Are you one of the three in ten people who set a goal to lose weight every new year? And are you one of the 90% of people who fail in this resolution? Losing weight is not always as simple as watching what you eat or hitting the gym. In fact, weight loss can be much more complicated than that for many people. It might surprise you to learn that the biggest hurdles faced when it...


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