Gold Coast Holistic Mental Health Services
Integrated Health Specialists are leaders in Psychology, Life Coaching and Integrative Health, providing a holistic approach to mental healthcare. We have been servicing the Gold Coast for over 20 years!
All services offered to clients aim to improve your self-awareness, empower you to make some positive changes and achieve your desired outcomes, to ultimately improve the quality of your life. We also offer unique and highly effective programs to help you to breakthrough your personal limitations, so you can start to live to your full potential. We integrate a number of cutting-edge integrative health and psychological techniques, and we tailor all of our programs to meet the individual needs of each client. If you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life, without the reliance on medication, we can help you!
We are located in Mudgeeraba on the Gold Coast and provide the following services:
- Psychology Services – Our holistic psychology and solutions-focused approach means we focus on moving you forward to make significant changes and to experience positive outcomes quickly!
- Individual & Relationship Counselling – Holistic counselling provides a safe and compassionate space which provides opportunities to understand and affirm the deeper needs within, and explores the root causes of any symptoms you may be experiencing.
- Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy is used to create subconscious changes in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviours or feelings. With hypnotherapy we can help you to give up smoking, lose weight, face your phobias, cure insomnia, eliminate your nervous habits, and so much more.
- Life Coaching – If you want to identify what you really want in life, remove your obstacles and limitations, and develop an action-plan for achieving your goals, then our success and life coaching programs can help you!
- PSYCH-K™ – A powerful method of transforming limiting beliefs into supportive beliefs at a subconscious level of the mind. With a proven record of success for over 30 years, PSYCH-K™ can address deep issues and obstacles in all areas of life!
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) – With NLP, we can teach you ways to change your thinking and behaviour to enhance your potential and consistently achieve excellence in whatever you do.
- Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – EFT can allow us to gently realign your body’s energy system, without the need for acupuncture needles. EFT relieves many psychological and physical conditions, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, general stress, addictions and phobias.
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) – If you are experiencing distress associated with traumatic memories or PTSD, EDMR is a very effective psychotherapy treatment. After successful treatment with EMDR, affective distress decreases, negative beliefs are reformulated, and physiological arousal is also reduced.
- Psychology of Eating & Weight (Nutritional Psychology) – Nutritional Psychology is the science of how nutrients affect mood and behavior. This field examines the relationship between food and your internal experience (thoughts, beliefs, emotions, memories, urges) and is useful for the treatment of binge eating, emotional eating, food cravings etc.
- Nutrigenomics (DNA Profiling) – Discover how foods affect your genes and how your genetic blueprint can affect the way you respond to nutrients (and other naturally occurring compounds) in the foods you eat, and adapt your lifestyle to suit your genes for optimal health.
- Functional Diagnostic Medicine – Functional Medicine is patient-centered medical healing at its best. Instead of looking at and treating health problems as isolated diseases and symptoms, it treats the whole-person. The causes of the disease and its symptoms is an underlying dysfunction and/or an imbalance of bodily systems.
- CoRe Inergetix Biofeedback and Bioresonance Therapy – The Inergetix-CoRe System is a highly sophisticated, customised and integrated informational and energy medicine device. This cutting-edge scientific device can help us to improve your health and wellbeing on every level.
- Corporate Wellness Programs – Help your employees to develop a healthier lifestyle with our health workshops and wellness programs, to improve their productivity and your bottom line!
- Reiki – This is a Japanese healing technique that is highly beneficial for stress reduction, pain management and relaxation, and promotes healing on all levels.