Increasing Assertiveness Hypnotherapy

Do you wish you could be more assertive & say what you need to say?

Do you have trouble being assertive or expressing your needs?

Are you a people pleaser?

Do you find it difficult to stand up for yourself or feel rail-roaded by others?

Would increasing your assertiveness help you at work, or in your relationships?

Are you at a loss for how to go about increasing your assertiveness?

  • Express our needs or concerns, and hold healthy boundaries
  • Perform better at work
  • Interact more effectively with clients, colleagues and bosses
  • Ask for things we desire (such as a pay rise, a holiday, or more)
  • Build stronger relationships with friends and family
  • Influence situations where assertiveness is important (such as during negotiations, legal proceedings or general discussions in which we have an interest)
Increasing Assertiveness Hypnotherapy, man & woman shaking hands in agreement