Depression Treatment

A holistic approach to treat depression on the Gold Coast!
image of Michelle van Namen
How much misery is this causing you and your family?
How much does it affect your ability to function day-to-day?
Are you looking for an effective depression treatment without taking medication?’

Depression Treatment on the Gold Coast

Understanding Depression

A fundamental aspect for improving the quality of your life and achieving the outcomes of this program, needs to begin with how you view depression. Depression occurs naturally when you’ve lost touch with what makes you feel fulfilled.

Feeling down is a natural human emotion, but it is how we cope with these feelings when we feel them, is what counts. The medical system is quick to label the problem as an illness – ‘you have depression’ and then often medicates the symptoms, whilst not addressing the causes. Too often this leads people to feel totally disempowered, and then they fall deeper and deeper into depression, and get stuck in the negative cycle. Then they become fearful in stopping the medication, because they know nothing has changed in their life, so why would they feel any different…sound familiar?

Many conventional therapists see clients for months and even years talking about their problems. From our experience, the longer you talk about the problems, the longer you stay in them! We have proven over and over again, that you do not need to analyse and dissect your problems to the ‘nth’ degree to make changes and move forward! It’s your perceptions and interpretations of the problems which are the real issue. And the patterns that you have developed to cope with your problems!

So to treat depression without medication, we need to address the causes, and to help you to understand why you really feel stuck, and to get you back in touch with what really matters. We will also be looking closely at your current thinking patterns, choices, decisions and behaviours. With our solutions-focused program, we will show you cutting-edge psychological tools to turn the depression around and break the negative cycle.
Depression Treatment Gold Coast - let some light in!

Gold Coast Depression Treatment Programs

Will work together to fully understand the underlying issues and psychological patterns (or causes) that are keeping you in a depressive cycle.
We will first work with your conscious mind to increase your awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and behavioural patterns at a conscious level. We will transform your current perceptions and disempowering beliefs that are not serving you.
Then we will work directly with your unconscious mind, using transformational techniques like PSYCH-K™, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Hypnotherapy. Your unconscious mind is responsible for how you feel and how you behave, so it is vital to work with this part of your mind to ensure long-lasting changes occur!

A holistic approach to depression

Understanding Symptoms
