Depression Treatment
Are you feeling low, unmotivated, lethargic and unhappy?
Do you feel lost, or lack purpose and meaning in your life?
Depression Treatment on the Gold Coast
Perhaps a doctor has told you that ‘you have depression’, maybe even prescribed you some medication and sent you off for some therapy? But not much has changed – you still feel low, unmotivated, lethargic and unhappy.
Well I know how you feel, because I battled with depression for many years and I felt desperate! Finally, I was lucky enough to find some great help, after many failed attempts and almost ready to give up!
This inspired me to work in the field to help others who experience similar issues. Having now spent many years studying psychology and numerous other modalities, and working in the field for over 30 years, I have the understanding, the experience and the passion to help you!
We have a well-established and highly successful program that has literally helped hundreds of people with depression, and without the use of medication!
Understanding Depression

Gold Coast Depression Treatment Programs
As a professionally qualified and experienced Psychologist, I have developed a comprehensive 14 week program that does exactly that; it identifies the causes of your depression, breaks through your personal limitations, and empowers you with practical tools to turn it around, and to be able to utilise whenever you face challenges in the future. In your one-on-one Personal Breakthrough Program we:
We have helped hundreds of people who have been on anti-depressants for many years, and have been able to significantly help them lift their dark clouds! We know that you will find this program truly life-changing, don’t stay in this dark place, there is help – reach out and book an initial consultation!
A holistic approach to depression
A holistic approach to treating depression, recognises that mental health is influenced by the interactions between a person’s lifestyle choices, levels of stress, diet, exercise, cognitive processes, and coping strategies. Whilst conventional or allopathic approaches to mental health focus on treating the symptoms, a holistic approach attempts to identify and address the underlying causes of depression. With the main aim to restore the natural balance of your body and mind. Holistic management of depression recognises that the mind and body communicate and interact with one another in a complex holistic system of biochemical, hormonal, as well as metabolic relationships.
As Dr. Andrew Weil states: “To optimize the function of the healing system, you must do everything in your power to improve physical health, mental/emotional health, and spiritual health…One must see the whole picture of health, and understand the importance of working on all fronts.”
Understanding Symptoms
Depression can be explained in simple terms. When a person consistently experiences a low mood, they find it difficult to experience pleasure or joy. They can lose interest in life in general, and potentially for long durations.
Do you have persistent negative thoughts about yourself and life in general, and do you find it very difficult to break the negative cycle over long periods of time? Is it impacting your quality of life and your physical health? Then you may be suffering from what is labelled as clinical or chronic depression. Feeling low, disappointed, lethargic, apathetic or being upset about something are part of the normal ups and downs people experience in life. The difference between depression and ‘feeling blue’ lies in its frequency, duration, as well as the degree or intensity of symptoms.
Allopathic medicine’s approach is to categorise a group of people together who all demonstrate similar symptoms, call it depression, and give them all the same treatment – anti-depressants! Firstly, this approach doesn’t even attempt to understand why these symptoms are present in the first place, nor what the root causes may be.
This approach is merely a band aid solution; on the surface it may appear that the problem is resolved. However, if you rip that band aid off and take a deeper look at the root causes of the problem, you will soon realise that the band aids (anti-depressants) are just covering up or masking the actual problems. This is also why so many people are afraid to stop taking the medications, because they fear that they will go right back to how they felt without them. As nothing has actually changed in regards to their life’s circumstances, so many become reliant upon them to function!
Secondly, we are genetically different from one another with different environmental, social and lifestyle factors at play, so why should all of our treatment be the same? For example, one person’s depression may be caused by a thyroid imbalance or a vitamin B6 deficiency. Whereas, another person’s depression may be because they are very shy and suffer from low self-esteem. As such, they find it difficult to socialise, so they isolate themselves and feel lonely. Two people with the same “dis-ease” but very different causes!
Drug treatment is however, still the common allopathic approach to this condition. There was a very interesting study published in “The New England Journal of Medicine” which revealed that pharmaceutical companies selectively published research studies on anti-depressants: “They have published nearly all the studies that showed benefit, but almost none of the studies that showed these drugs are ineffective”. This study discovered that after looking at 74 studies, incorporating 12 drugs and approximately 12,000 people, that 37 of 38 trials with positive results were actually published, whilst only 14 of 36 negative studies were published!
This has given both doctors and the general public a very skewed view on the true ‘benefits’ of anti-depressants, contributing to the tremendous increase in prescription drugs for mental illness. The truth is, many patients who take anti-depressants either don’t respond or only have partial success to the treatment. Unfortunately, many people feel worse and have to suffer from harmful and uncomfortable side effects such as insomnia, weight gain, fatigue and sexual dysfunction!
Holistic treatment of depression (with or without drug intervention) can provide more long-term solutions for managing depression. Apart from psychotherapy, holistic management of depression also involves exploring and modifying lifestyle choices to treat and prevent the recurrence of depression, and the use of remedial interventions and supplementation. A holistic approach to mental health has the potential to greatly improve your quality of life, and possibly reduce your reliance on medications. IMPORTANT NOTE – please do not change or stop your medications without consulting with your doctor!
Disclaimer: This information is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is not a substitute for professional advice from your qualified health provider.