Weight Loss & Wellness

This is our signature program! If you are seeking a weight loss or health and fitness program with a real difference that will change the way you approach health altogether, our “Holistic Wellness Program” is a 4-month total overhaul that works with your body and your mind. You will have three coaches who work together to help you achieve your optimum results; a Health and Fitness Coach to work on your body (diet and fitness), our Naturopath, and our Psychologist to help you improve your mindset by working with your thoughts, attitudes, emotions and behaviours to break those old patterns getting in the way and to create real positive changes. This program includes: success coaching, lifestyle evaluations, personal training, diet and nutrition consultations with Bio-Impedance Analysis Assessments, Nutrigenomics (DNA testing), IHS Trolley Overhaul, Hypnotherapy, PSYCH-K™, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

Nutrigenomics is an exciting new field that considers both genetics and lifestyle choices. Scientists have discovered that our individual genes are in fact ‘switched on or off’ by the types of foods we eat, our exercise choices and lifestyle decisions. Depending upon your genes you will respond better to certain diets, for example; some may do better with more carbohydrates, less fats and protein than others. By understanding what your genetic blueprint is, you can implement a lifestyle that will lead to optimal weight and health. This program includes a genetic test using a saliva sample which identifies over 100 personalised genes, and also two consultations to interpret your genetic report and provide you with a personalised lifestyle plan.

This is a weight loss program for those who are serious about losing weight! In this 3-month program you will have three coaches who work together to help you achieve results; a Health and Fitness Coach to work on your body (diet and fitness), our Naturopath, as well as our Psychologist to improve your mindset around losing weight. This program also includes two Bio-Impedance Analysis Assessments, IHS Trolley Overhaul, Hypnotherapy, PSYCH-K™, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

This is an intensive 3-month psychological program that includes a number of creative therapeutic mind techniques and processes to breakthrough your personal limitations, negative thoughts and emotional states, behaviours and symptoms. This is a program designed for people who find themselves falling back into old negative patterns of behaviour and emotional states which lead to weight gain. It is an intense growth and development program, designed to increase your self-awareness and provide you with the ability to break your negative emotional cycles which directly relate to your weight issues.

Our Trolley Overhaul is a popular service we offer which provides practical guidance to help you make lasting changes to your diet. Here our Health & Fitness Coach will accompany you grocery shopping to get a realistic picture of what your current diet consists of, and will offer you healthier alternatives to consider. He will inform you how to interpret those tricky food labels and avoid the clever marketing traps. You will also be given some useful tools to take away from the session.

This is a weight loss program for those who are wanting to set some great foundations for losing weight! This 2-month program will provide you with up-to-date education and an effective system for you to follow to lose weight successfully. You will have a personal Health and Fitness Coach to work on both your diet and fitness, as well as 3 Hypnotherapy sessions with our Psychologist specifically designed for weight loss. This program also includes our IHS Trolley Overhaul.

Personalised behaviour modification program comprising of 3 Hypnotherapy sessions and other mind-repatterning techniques such as PSYCH-K™, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). These programs are developed to change your personal destructive habits, behaviours and beliefs that are preventing you from losing weight, for example; sugar or carbohydrate cravings, emotional eating, binge eating, making healthy food choices, motivation to exercise etc. These programs also include a hypnotherapy CD with personalised suggestions tailored to your individual needs.

Throw those sleeping tablets away because this program has a 98% success rate for treating insomnia using the combination of Hypnotherapy, PSYCH-K™, EFT and CBT! Don’t put up with insomnia any more, it is debilitating and impacts so many areas of your life!