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Radio Interview: A Holistic and Solutions-Based Approach to Mental Health

Apr 13, 2015Holistic Therapy0 comments

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Check out the recent radio interview I did on eHealth Radio:

The ideal of holistic well-being is the realisation of our human potential as total beings, and our desire to live fulfilling and satisfying lives. The goal is not just to be “well” in the physical body, but also to be in harmony with our environment and ourselves at all levels, body, mind and spirit.

Also diet, exercise, lifestyle, social responsibility and relationships are taken into consideration when creating the optimum well-being. Various techniques are used in order to assist the client in understanding and developing their “self-healing” potential. The first of which is self-awareness. Once aware, the client can then access parts of themselves that are residing in the unconscious. By shining a light on these parts, the person is then able to transform them and to ultimately integrate them. Other key tools are willingness, persistence, courage and action. These, amongst many others, are essential for change and transformation to occur. A consistent movement toward becoming a whole and integrated person is the desired outcome.

Our society is fast-paced, we want quick fixes and the pharmaceutical industry caters to this. This approach contends that the sick human being does not have the resources to overcome the problem and the extra help of medications and medical treatment are necessary to “fight” the disease process. When it comes to strep infections, this may very well be true, but in the world of mental and emotional issues, it actually slows down improvement.

A holistic approach explores your underlying thought processes, emotions, and behavioural patterns that are behind the symptoms.  Holistic psychology takes symptoms as a sign of dis-ease at a deep, inner level and other disciplines may be called upon when appropriate, including lifestyle, diet, supplementation, exercise, meditation, relaxation and so forth. And rather than adapting different patients to the same methods of treatment, holistic psychology examines individuals and applies methods tailored to their unique circumstances. Most importantly, you will be an active participant in the healing process, rather than a passive recipient of “health care” and pharmaceuticals!