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Nutrition can be very confusing…fad diets…foods that can cause cancer…don’t eat this, eat that…where do you start? This was my problem too, I just wanted a basic plan to follow, not too confusing, not too technical, but do you think I could find it? This is why we have created this post, to give you a few basic guidelines to get you on the right track to good health. Start by following some of these guidelines and you will make a huge leap forward. The best advice we could give you is to get back to basics and don’t get caught up in the chaos, but take it step by step to change your habits. Good nutrition doesn’t have to be difficult!
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If you try to change the world in one day, it won’t last. Start with the ones you will find easier to change and once that becomes a habit, make another change. We really hope these nutrition tips help you!
Did you know that the food pyramid which is supposed to show us how much of what we should eat was not designed by nutritionists, doctors or health experts? In fact, it was designed by the American Meat Packers as a marketing tool to increase the sales of meat!
FOOD COMBINATIONS Learn about effective food combinations to optimise health, as foods properly combined will promote optimum digestion, energise and strengthen your body. For example, protein and carbohydrates should never be combined. Avoid mixing fruits with other foods, especially proteins. You should never drink liquids with or immediately following a meal, and so on.
WATER Approximately 70% of your body is made up of water; 70% of your diet should consist of water-rich foods to allow your body to cleanse itself, not clog itself. Dehydration can be the beginning of so many problems. A general guideline to follow is to drink 1 litre of water a day per 22kg of body weight. Reverse Osmosis purified water is one of the best forms of water to buy, and it is inexpensive. Reverse Osmosis water dispensers are now installed at many service stations. Add some himalayan rock salt to the water to add the good minerals back in.
FRESH VEGETABLE JUICING Try to incorporate this into your daily diet, it will become a habit after a while. This alone can make a huge difference in feeding your body vital raw foods full of nutrition. Incorporate such things as spinach, beetroot, carrots, celery, ginger, and parsley – so much goodness! Avoid bottled fruit juice as they go through the pasteurisation process and are usually high in refined sugars.
EAT WHOLE GRAINS The average diet contains a large amount of processed or refined wheat products which strips them of what limited nutritional value they actually have. The term ‘whole grain’ means all three parts of the grain are used, including the fibre-rich outer layer and the nutrient-packed germ. Much research has shown that a ‘whole grain’ includes vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates which protect the body against many diseases and decrease toxicity. Healthier alternatives to wheat include basmati rice, buckwheat, rye, quinoa, millet, spelt, kamut, non-yeast breads and noodles.
EGGS Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods, which actually help your liver to regulate blood cholesterol levels. They also contain a unique natural substance called lecithin, which acts as a powerful fat dissolving agent to protect the body against fat building up in arteries. Remember that healthy eggs come from healthy chickens, and unhealthy eggs come from unhealthy chickens! Try to buy free-range organic eggs and enjoy the taste.
VEGETABLE PROTEIN (NUTS, SEEDS, LEGUMES) Eating moderate amounts of nuts, seeds and legumes have been shown to have huge health benefits so incorporate these into your daily diet as they are a good source of vegetable protein. Nuts and seeds contain essential fats and oils (Omega-3 and Omega-6) which play a valuable role in reducing the risk of heart disease and building healthy brain cells.
SALT We actually do need salt as it is full of essential trace elements, metals and minerals; it’s the type of salt that is an important distinction! Avoid refined, chemical ridden table salt at all cost! Buy some unrefined sea salt or himalayan rock salt as it is of great benefit if you are feeling tired, have cramps or sore muscles, have a headache or just not feeling well. Dissolve about half a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water and drink 2 – 3 times a day.
FATS AND OILS Go back to eating butter on bread – avoid margarine, and don’t cook with vegetable oils! Trans-fats in your diet are a disaster waiting to happen. Trans-fats are primarily formed when vegetable oils are ‘hydrogenated’ or ‘partially hydrogenated’, which means that the oil is heated at such high temperatures that it changes the molecule so that it is more stable at room temperature, at the expense of being harmful to the body. Unfortunately trans-fats are found in most packaged processed foods. The best cooking oil to use is cold-pressed coconut oil as it is not damaged by cooking at high temperatures, and it can also help you prevent and fight many diseases and illnesses. Use extra-virgin olive oil for your dressings as it contains major health benefits because it is unrefined and unheated.
PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS The harmful effects of drugs, both prescription and illegal, mirror the hideous symptoms of disease. In many cases the side effects of the drugs are worse than the disease for which it is being taken.
ALCOHOL There has been significant research on the effects of drinking alcohol on brain cells. Alcohol is a toxin and even one drink can result in permanent damage, killing off thousands of brain cells. This occurs because alcohol inhibits blood from transporting oxygen to brain cells. When brain cells are deprived of oxygen, they become impaired or die.
SUGAR Sugar is an addictive drug that causes diabetes, obesity, coronary disease, tooth and gum decay, varicose veins, and the list goes on. Keep away from white death, that is, white refined sugar at all cost! It is very acidic and increases glucose levels in the blood rapidly. Glucose is the first thing to metabolised by yeast, bacteria, fungus, and mould in the body. This creates a highly acidic body where disease and symptomology thrive. Unfortunately refined or processed sugars are hidden in so many foods; biscuits, cakes and pastries, crackers, chocolate, soft drinks, sweets, processed breakfast cereals, muesli bars, sauces, and the list goes on. Avoid artificial sweeteners at all cost as they have huge health risks! Healthier alternatives to refined sugars are rapadura or pure organic raw sugar.
WHITE FLOUR PRODUCTS Cut down on the amount of refined white flour products such as white bread and pizza, white pasta and also white rice. The refining process produces simple carbohydrates and much of the vitamin and mineral content of these foods are lost in the process. Replace these products with unrefined whole grain varieties.
MICROWAVES Microwaves change the composition of food, and the interaction of the microwave radiation causes substantial damage to the surrounding molecules, often tearing them apart or deforming them, and creating toxic properties in the process.
CONTACT US if you are interested in one of our nutritional programs to learn more.
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It may seem daunting or a sign of weakness to some, but seeing a psychologist needn’t be a decision that makes you feel this way at all. There are several different reasons why people seek the advice of an allied professional such a psychologist, and seeing a psychologist is sometimes seen as a negative stereotype, however this is simply untrue and you do NOT need to be crazy to see one! If you’re thinking about seeing a psychologist, there are a few different ways that they may help you in your life. This article will explore just some ways that a psychologist is able to help their clients. READ MORE