(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast
What does ‘toxic’ mean in a relationship?

What does ‘toxic’ mean in a relationship?

We’ve all heard it before: Relationships are hard work! They take both commitment and compromise to make them last. But there’s more to a relationship than longevity. And simply trying to make a relationship last can have us overlooking legitimate causes for concern. The fact of the matter is, a long relationship is not necessarily a healthy one. Many unhealthy, or toxic, relationships are the...
Why Diet and Exercise Alone Won’t Help You to Lose Weight

Why Diet and Exercise Alone Won’t Help You to Lose Weight

The diet industry (worth BILLIONS of dollars each year) would have us believe that weight loss is simply a matter of numbers: The number of calories eaten. The number of calories burned off. The number of hours spent in the gym versus the number of treats we put into our mouths. But if the diet industry’s huge success can tell us anything, it’s that diets don’t work, and focusing on just diet...
How Social Isolation Affects Mental Health

How Social Isolation Affects Mental Health

Social isolation and loneliness levels reached an all-time high even before the outbreak of the current global pandemic. In fact, one in ten Australians (or 1.8 million) over the age of 15 reported as lacking social support in a study conducted in 2016. At the time of the study, one in four reported feeling socially isolated at the time of reporting, and a staggering one in two reported feeling...
The Problem with Positive Affirmations and Anxiety

The Problem with Positive Affirmations and Anxiety

There are no shortage of self-help gurus speaking about the benefits of positive affirmations and how they can change your life. And for some people, they really do make a difference. However, if you suffer from ongoing anxiety, stress, depression, negative self-talk, or low self-worth and self-esteem, positive affirmations can have the very opposite effect. Here, we take a deeper look at the...
Can EFT help with Anxiety?

Can EFT help with Anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most common concerns that our clients come to see us about. Much more than simply feeling nervous or occasionally worried, an anxiety disorder is something that can be all-pervading in your life and sneak up at the most unexpected moments. Luckily, there are many great forms of therapy that are proven to be incredibly successful in treating anxiety. So, does EFT help with...