(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast
Debunking the Life’s Purpose Myth

Debunking the Life’s Purpose Myth

How many times have you heard ‘what’s your life’s purpose?’ in your time? It’s something people can feel bombarded with or pressured to know the answer. But how many people do you know who’ve truly reached a great understanding of this in their life? Are you one of them? The truth is, the idea of having a single, burning ‘purpose’ in life is a troubling one for many people and can lead to...
Is Life Coaching Rubbish or Life Changing?

Is Life Coaching Rubbish or Life Changing?

Is Life Coaching Rubbish or Life Changing? Everyone from Hugh Jackman to Oprah Winfrey is espousing the benefits of having a life coach these days, and because of this celebrity lifestyle trend, we’ve seen a huge number of people jump onto the life coaching bandwagon. New ‘life coaches’ are popping up all over the place, professing to be able to turn you ‘from zero to hero’ with their...
Managing Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World

Managing Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World

Managing Stress and Anxiety in a Changing World Times are changing. For many of us, it’s a cliché that’s never been more appropriate or significant than it is today. If you’re someone who lives with stress or anxiety, you’re likely feeling those even more deeply these days, given all of the uncertainty going on. From health risks to social isolation, to job losses, changing routines, and even...
Does Hypnosis Work and Can it Help You?

Does Hypnosis Work and Can it Help You?

Does Hypnosis Work and Can it Help You? You’ve probably heard of hypnotherapy, but have you ever tried it for yourself? Does hypnosis work? There are plenty of myths and misinformation surrounding hypnotherapy, but the truth is, this therapy can be one of the most effective and long-lasting treatments for all kinds of things, from phobias and anxiety, to quitting smoking or even overcoming...
6 Steps to Getting Back into a Routine

6 Steps to Getting Back into a Routine

6 Steps to Getting Back into a Routine Now that things seem to be finally starting to return to normal, life can seem a little strange. After spending so long in lockdown; maybe home schooling the kids, working from home, not being able to get to the gym or go for that weekly dinner or drinks session with friends, it can be difficult to get back into the swing of things. Here are six simple...