(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast
The 7 things that REALLY make you unhappy

The 7 things that REALLY make you unhappy

The 7 things that REALLY make you unhappy Ask any number of people and you’re unlikely to have anyone admit to wanting to be unhappy. And yet, no matter how hard we try, there often seems little we can do to change our perspective on life and find ourselves suddenly happier. The trouble is, we spend so much time chasing the things that we think will make us happy, that we overlook even the...
MINIMALISM: Is all your ‘stuff’ making you unhappy?

MINIMALISM: Is all your ‘stuff’ making you unhappy?

MINIMALISM: Is all your ‘stuff’ making you unhappy? The term ‘minimalism’ first started to be used in the 20th century, as an architectural and later, an artistic movement. Nowadays, minimalism refers to a philosophy of ‘doing more with less’ and tends to bring to mind people like Marie Kondo and images of frantic de-cluttering of people’s homes. But minimalism is about much more...
4 Powerful Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

4 Powerful Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

4 Powerful Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals Goal setting is an important part of life. Whether for self-improvement or self-care, or to be more successful in career or study; setting goals is key to achieving the growth that we’re hoping for. No matter what your goals are, achieving them can be difficult without the proper tools. Here, we uncover 4 simple, actionable tools to help you reach...
The Power of Personal Growth and How to Tap into It

The Power of Personal Growth and How to Tap into It

The Power of Personal Growth and How to Tap into It What does personal growth mean to you? Would it surprise you to know that many people – probably a good percentage of the people you know – go through their lives without ever really considering their own personal growth? The power of personal growth lies in its ability to transform your life through positive mental, physical, emotional and...
Simple Daily Habits to Help Manage Your Anxiety

Simple Daily Habits to Help Manage Your Anxiety

Simple Daily Habits to Help Manage Your Anxiety For those who suffer with anxiety, it can be a daily struggle. There are hundreds of moments throughout the day when anxiety can creep in, and there’s often very little warning. Just as there is no typical anxiety sufferer, there is also no typical experience of anxiety; for some, anxiety is a constant, niggling worry at the back of the mind, for...