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Suffered a setback? 6 Steps to get your groove back

Suffered a setback? 6 Steps to get your groove back

Suffered a setback? 6 Steps to get your groove back Have you suffered a setback recently? Something that’s shaken your confidence and derailed your plans in life? Perhaps you’ve found yourself falling back into old habits and patterns that no longer serve you? It’s easy to get so caught up with what’s going on in your day-to-day life – especially after a setback throws you off course –...
I AM WOMAN: How to Harness Your Power

I AM WOMAN: How to Harness Your Power

I AM WOMAN: How to Harness Your Power When we think of power and success, the first image that comes to mind tends to be that of a well-dressed man in a suit, perhaps commanding a board room or taking calls in his corner office. Many women have spent their lives feeling as though they need to better express their masculine selves in order to be successful and feel powerful – and to compete with...
Eight Habits of Highly Confident People

Eight Habits of Highly Confident People

Eight Habits of Highly Confident People Confidence is an attitude, a way of life, a way of seeing yourself and seeing the world. But confidence doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people. The good news is, it can be developed by implementing a few key habits that highly confident people tend to have. These 8 habits can make even the most self-conscious person feel confident, with practice. 1. Not...
How to be Happy: Stop Trying to be Happy

How to be Happy: Stop Trying to be Happy

How to be Happy: Stop Trying to be Happy Money doesn’t buy happiness, right? We all know, at least in our most logical brains, that buying a bigger car, earning more money, or being more ‘successful’ in our careers won’t ultimately make us happy. So, why is it that we tend to ignore what we know about happiness and strive for these things anyway?   Stories of some of the world’s most rich,...
Are You a People Pleaser? Why You Need to Stop Trying to Please Others

Are You a People Pleaser? Why You Need to Stop Trying to Please Others

Are You a People Pleaser? Why You Need to Stop Trying to Please Others You know the type: The people who would rather just say ‘yes’, putting themselves out, than confront or say no to others. Those who will go to almost any efforts to please. Those who are up at night wondering if they’ve offended someone, or why someone doesn’t like them. The first person to arrive at a meeting and the first...