(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast
Anxiety Treatment Without Medication

Anxiety Treatment Without Medication

Anxiety Treatment Without Medication Do you suffer from constant, nagging worries? Perhaps you sometimes experience panic attacks which leave you debilitated and unable to function normally at work, at home or when in public. If these feelings seem to be out of proportion to the actual troubles you’re facing, you may be suffering from anxiety; and you are not alone. Rates of anxiety are rising...
Is one of your 2017 New Year’s Resolutions to Lose Weight?

Is one of your 2017 New Year’s Resolutions to Lose Weight?

Is one of your 2017 New Year’s Resolutions to Lose Weight? The new year is, naturally, a great time to reassess your goals and set new objectives for the year ahead. It comes as no surprise that weight loss is among the most common of New Year’s resolutions. After indulging in the parties and get-togethers of the festive season (which all tend to revolve around food and alcohol), many of...
Gold Coast Mental Health a Rising Concern!

Gold Coast Mental Health a Rising Concern!

Gold Coast Mental Health a Rising Concern! Gold Coast mental health concerns; despite the increase in awareness and acceptance of mental illness in recent years, it appears that many sufferers are not finding their way to counselling services in time. Counselling can be an important tool in preventing hospitalisation and even suicide among Gold Coast residents with mental health concerns.  With...
Perfectionism Treatment

Perfectionism Treatment

Perfectionism Do you often feel that no matter what you do in life, it is never enough? LET’S CONNECT Are you trying to be the perfect partner, the perfect parent, the perfect employee or business owner, the perfect friend…?  Do you constantly feel overwhelmed with your high expectations, and do you often feel like a failure? Do you have a strong need to be in control, and are you...
Why Do People Avoid Counselling?

Why Do People Avoid Counselling?

Why Do People Avoid Counselling? For many people, the idea of seeing a counsellor for the first time is daunting, to say the least. Often, before attending a counselling session, people have very little idea of what to expect; and the idea of talking about personal issues with a stranger is enough to bring on a nervous sweat. Whether you’re considering seeing a counsellor for serious issues such...