(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast
Best Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Best Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Are you having trouble within your long-term relationship or marriage and your partner isn’t ready or willing to try counselling? You may just decide to go to relationship counselling on your own. Experts say that with one partner willing to seek help, the relationship stands a chance of being salvaged and becoming stronger. So, if you’re thinking your relationship could use some help, there’s...
Adrenal fatigue and stress: Was is your body trying to tell you?

Adrenal fatigue and stress: Was is your body trying to tell you?

Stress: It’s an everyday part of life and a completely natural physical and psychological response to feeling overwhelmed, threatened, or challenged. Once the factors causing this stress have been dealt with, the body calms down again. But what happens in periods of prolonged stress, when you barely have a chance to recover before feeling stressed and overwhelmed by something else? This is where...
What is Holistic Therapy and How Can it Help?

What is Holistic Therapy and How Can it Help?

At Integrated Health Specialists, we have developed a holistic wellness model for holistic therapists & counsellors to utilise when working with clients. The model illustrates that health is based upon seven fundamental levels: psychological, expression, connection, vocational, emotional, physical, and spiritual. From a holistic therapy point of view, chemical, physical, and psychological...
6 Anxiety-Busting New Year’s Resolutions

6 Anxiety-Busting New Year’s Resolutions

This time of the year, every year, the internet loves to debate about whether New Year’s resolutions are worthwhile. For those who suffer from anxiety, New Year’s resolutions can not only be difficult to accomplish, but they are also notorious for inducing further anxiety. So, instead of mulling over whether you should even be setting resolutions this year, try looking at it from a different...
Uncertainty Triggering Your Anxiety? What to do About It

Uncertainty Triggering Your Anxiety? What to do About It

Uncertainty is a part of life. Worrying about the future and being unsure about what life holds is normal. Like many things, your mindset is the key to coping with facing the unknown with confidence and successfully tackling what comes your way. But is recent uncertainty triggering your anxiety and making it harder than usual for you to manage it? We break down uncertainty and anxiety, and what...