Psychology & Life Coaching
‘Personal Accelerator’

This is an intensive 14 week program that includes a number of creative therapeutic techniques and processes to breakthrough your personal limitations, negative thoughts & emotional states, behaviours and symptoms. This is a program designed for people who find themselves falling back into old patterns of behaviour and emotional states that no longer serve them. It is an intense growth and development program, designed to increase your self-awareness and provide you with the ability to move out of chaos and to find more balance and harmony in your life. This is an extremely effective program for people suffering with ongoing chronic mental health conditions such as depression, and to help resolve past traumas that are still impacting your quality of life.

This is an 8 week program specifically designed and individually tailored to reduce stress, tension, anxiety and panic attacks, and to alleviate the debilitating physical symptoms associated with such conditions. Here we teach various relaxation methods, different therapeutic techniques and management tools including Hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP, and breathing therapy.

Change is required when the strategy you are using simply is not producing the results you desire. It takes a real mindset shift to change these results – you know that saying “the first sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results!” This is a short program (7 sessions) that is specifically designed to make significant changes in one particular area of your life where you are ‘stuck in a rut’ and can’t make the changes you desire. For example, moving on from a recent relationship, or trying to make a career change but just can’t take action, or to increase self discipline to improve productivity at work. This program includes working with the conscious mind and also the subconscious mind.

This is an intensive 4-month program that utilises Nutritional Psychology (NP) which seeks to understand the relationship between nutritional behaviour, eating, weight management and mental health. This program includes a number of creative therapeutic mind techniques and processes to breakthrough your personal limitations, negative thoughts and emotional states, behaviours and symptoms. This is a program designed for people who find themselves falling back into old negative patterns of behaviour and emotional states which lead to weight gain. It is an intense growth and development program, designed to increase your self-awareness and provide you with the ability to break your negative emotional cycles which directly relate to your weight issues.

Throw those sleeping tablets away because this program is effective for treating insomnia using the combination of Hypnotherapy, EFT and PSYCH-K™, and CBT! Don’t put up with insomnia any more, it is debilitating and impacts so many areas of your life!

This 14 week program is specifically designed for people lacking confidence and who have low self-esteem. Self-esteem is related to your self-worth and your value; low self esteem causes depression, unhappiness & insecurity. Other people’s desires may take preference over yours, and your inner criticism – that nagging voice of disapproval inside you causes you to stumble at every challenge. Building esteem is the first step towards your happiness and a better life. Limiting beliefs and behaviours hold you back from experiencing life in all its fullness. Sometimes it feels like we’ve tried everything and so we resign ourselves to the current circumstances and continue our internal struggle. Habits in our thinking and behaviour are nothing more than pre-conditioned ways of responding to certain situations. This program looks at what patterns you have running in your life and together we change these patterns, both at a conscious and subconscious level.

Perfectionism is often mistaken for ‘being perfect’ or ‘doing things perfectly’! Perfectionism is the relentless striving for extremely high standards (for yourself and/or others) that are unrealistic and overly demanding. The perfectionist’s self-worth is greatly influenced upon their ability to strive for and achieve such unrelenting standards. This often results in experiencing negative consequences of setting such demanding standards, yet continuing to do so, despite the huge personal costs. Perfectionists often suffer from high levels of stress and overwhelm, adrenal fatigue, inability to relax and live in the moment, depression, and anxiety in their pursuit of being perfect. There is a big difference between the healthy and helpful pursuit of excellence and the unhealthy and unhelpful striving for perfection! This program is not about you giving up your high standards, but helps you to manage this pattern to enable you to pursue healthy high standards, rather than unrelenting high standards that negatively impact your stress levels, and your ability to feel joy and fulfilment in life. This 14 week program helps you identify and work on the unhelpful parts, so that you can adopt a more balanced approach to life and learn to feel satisfaction from your achievements, which leads to a more fulfilling life.

Nutrigenomics is an exciting new field that considers both genetics and lifestyle choices. Scientists have discovered that our individual genes are in fact ‘switched on or off’ by the types of foods we eat, our exercise choices and lifestyle decisions. Depending upon your genes you will respond better to certain diets, for example; some may do better with more carbohydrates, less fats and protein than others. By understanding what your genetic blueprint is, you can implement a lifestyle that will lead to optimal weight and health. This program includes a genetic test using a saliva sample which identifies over 100 personalised genes, and also two consultations to interpret your genetic report and provide you with a personalised lifestyle plan.

This is a 14 week solution-focused coaching program designed for people who want to make some changes but lack direction and/or motivation. This process provides you with a number of tools to assist you to find your purpose in life, tap into your personal potential to move forward and achieve the results in life you may only have dreamt about. You learn to go beyond previously perceived limitations and step up to solving problems whilst constructing and recognising new opportunities. This is for people who are unable to make progress in achieving the outcomes that they want in areas of their life.

These are personalised behaviour modification programs comprising of 3 hypnotherapy sessions, in addition to other mind repatterning techniques like PSYCH-K™ and EFT for issues including:
- Weight loss and cravings
- Smoking cessation
- Anxiety, fears & phobias
- Insomnia
- Assertiveness
- Improving social confidence
- Procrastination and improving motivation
- Improving study habits and academic performance
- Performance enhancement
- Public speaking
- Pain management
- Nervous habits, eg. nail biting, hair pulling
…..and so many more.

Personalised behaviour modification program comprising of 3 Hypnotherapy sessions and other mind-repatterning techniques such as PSYCH-K™, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). These programs are developed to change your personal destructive habits, behaviours and beliefs that are preventing you from losing weight, for example; sugar or carbohydrate cravings, emotional eating, binge eating, making healthy food choices, motivation to exercise etc. These programs also include a hypnotherapy CD with personalised suggestions tailored to your individual needs.

This is the program for you if you want to bypass talk therapy altogether, and instead we work directly with your subconscious mind to change your limiting beliefs that drive your self-destructive behaviours. In this program we utilise powerful techniques such as EFT, PSYCH-K™ and Hypnotherapy and to make profound changes. You need to be open-minded for this program, and be either familiar or comfortable with more alternative modalities like energy psychology, kinesiology, hypnotherapy etc. For this 14 week program, your conscious mind will be in the back seat, so therapy sessions will be very different to traditional talk therapy.