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How is a Solution Focused Psychologist Different to Other Psychologists?

Dec 17, 2017Psychology, Counselling & Psychotherapy0 comments

Solution Focused Psychologist Different to Other Psychologists

The term ‘psychology’ has been around for literally hundreds of years, and the practice of psychology, often referred to as ‘the study of the mind’ has become a well-known profession over the last hundred years in particular. Despite the long history of psychology, the field has gone through many significant changes over time, as psychologists discover more effective approaches to therapy. Solution focused psychology is one particular method of psychology which has been proven to be remarkably effective, and a solution focused psychologist has a different approach to that of other psychologists. Here, we take a look at the differences between a solution focused psychologist and other psychologists.

What is a solution focused psychologist?

According to psychotherapy.net, solution focused psychology refers to:

“Solution-focused counselling and psychotherapy has deep roots in post-modern constructive theory. As Michael Hoyt once famously articulated, this perspective is based on “the construction that we are constructive.” In other words, solution-focused therapists believe clients and therapists build their own realities.”

An experienced solution focused psychologist, such as the psychologist at Integrated Health Specialists, focuses on finding practical and effective solutions to help overcome what’s troubling you. Without focusing on psychological labelling, a solution focused psychologist empowers clients to resolve their issues in constructive ways. By examining the underlying behavioural patterns which result in your psychological symptoms, a solution focused psychologist can help to free you from the overwhelming stresses and concerns which trouble you, and enable you to create workable solutions which are long-lasting and effective.  A holistic and solution focused psychologist believes that every person has the power to affect their own change, and is there to support their clients to do so.

How does a solution focused psychologist differ to other psychologists?

Whilst many other psychologists may focus on the mental health concern itself, and its symptoms, a solution focuses psychologist focuses on understanding the underlying causes for a concern, but differs in that they approach the client’s therapy with a focus on creating real, workable, practical solutions to overcoming these concerns.

Other types of therapy which are not solution focused tend to heavily emphasise the ‘condition’ and its control over someone who is suffering from it, rather than focusing on the self-determination and power of the client to make their own breakthroughs and control their own lives. Non-solution focused psychologists may also prescribe medication for clients, rather than help their clients to implement practical solutions which do not require the use of medication. Alternatively, a holistic, integrative and solution focused psychologist helps their clients to take responsibility and control of their own lives, and their mental health concerns, often without the need for medication.

Furthermore, a non-solution focused psychologist may require their clients to attend counselling sessions for months, or even years, in order to manage their condition. A solution focused psychologist, on the other hand, helps their clients to develop the tools and strategies which allow them to manage their concerns and overcome them quickly and effectively. Solution focused psychology is all about empowering clients to take control of their own lives, rather than diagnosing, labelling and medicating.  

Why is solution focused psychology effective?

A solution focused psychologist may offer a holistic approach to therapy which integrates a range of solutions in order to create powerful and effective strategies for their clients. At Integrated Health Specialists, we believe in a holistic approach which incorporates a number of techniques, to help you to overcome your concerns. Whether you are suffering from stress, anxiety, depression or something else which is affecting your quality of life, solution focused psychology can help. At Integrated Health Specialists, our highly effective solution focused psychology programs on the Gold Coast can assist you to overcome the issues that are troubling you, and help you to take control of your life. We specialise in a range of techniques and therapies, including:

Our solution focused psychologist understands that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to therapy. For this reason, we’ve developed a range of programs which are tailored to suit your needs, and overcome your specific concerns. We do not believe in the ‘diagnose, label, medicate’ approach to which many other psychologists subscribe. Instead, we believe that each of our clients holds the key to their own success and fulfilment. Solution focused psychology is effective because it centres on creating real, practical solutions which are effective and long-lasting.

If you’d like to find out more about our psychology approach, and how we can help you, connect with us today at Gold Coast Psychologist.