Types of Therapy for Depression You Haven’t Tried, but Should

There are many different approaches to treating depression. Ask most doctors and they’ll tell you about all the different kinds of drugs you can try. But for many people, using medication to treat depression is not an option. Perhaps you’ve tried medication for depression before and found it ineffective, or you found that the side effects were not something you could live with. Or, like some people, you would rather not go down the medication route if there is another way. Thankfully, there are many types of non-medication treatments for depression – lots of which you’ve probably never heard about. In this article, we uncover some of the types of therapy for depression you haven’t tried but perhaps should consider. 

What is the best treatment for depression? 

The best treatment for depression differs from person to person. Thankfully, there are a variety of therapies that are proven to be very effective in treating depression. First and foremost, the most important thing is to find a qualified therapist that specialises in treating depression. No matter the type of therapies they offer, their experience is your best indicator. An experienced and qualified therapist will be able to offer the most effective therapy for you, based on your needs and your goals. They will discuss with you the types of therapy you’ve tried before (if any), what has worked and what hasn’t, and what your preferences are. 

Based on their initial assessment and conversations with you, your therapist will be able to recommend a course of therapy and perhaps combine several different approaches. Some of these approaches and types of therapy you might not have heard of before. 

Different types of therapy for depression 

Counselling is by far the most common type of therapy that those living with depression will encounter. Counselling, sometimes called talking therapy, can be a highly effective therapy for depression. An experienced counsellor will guide you through uncovering the root causes behind your depression to help you better understand them. They’ll also help you to develop strategies to overcome your depression, based on your individual experience. Depression is different for everyone and requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach (like medication). That’s why counselling is a great place to start. 

However, your counsellor may also incorporate some other approaches into your treatment, alongside (and closely related to) counselling. Here are some of the types of therapy for depression you may not have heard of before: 

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Most people have heard of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which is also an extremely effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and a range of other mental health concerns. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, or DBT,  was developed from CBT, and combines it with strategies like mindfulness and acceptance. DBT has been shown to be extremely effective in treating depression. You can read more about it here

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: MBCT, like DBT, focuses on mindfulness to treat depression and anxiety. Mindfulness helps to bring the mind’s focus to the present moment, rather than focusing on the ‘what ifs’ of the future and dwelling on the past – things that often exacerbate depression and anxiety. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy helps those suffering from depression to observe their thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them as good or bad. This approach combats the feelings of judgement and negativity that sufferers of depression often face. You can find out more about MBCT here

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a physiologically-based therapy used to treat depression and anxiety by relieving the distress brought about by painful or traumatic memories. It enables a person to view these events or recollections in a new and less distressing way. This can make an incredible difference for sufferers of depression and, unlike other therapies, includes a physical element that can be particularly effective for some people. Read more about EMDR here

Here at Integrated Health Specialists, we are experts in treating depression. Not only do we offer counselling and psychology services, but we incorporate a variety of other proven, effective treatments into our approach. This allows us to tailor our treatment approach to each individual client so that your therapy is based solely on your needs, experiences, and goals. 

We understand that all of us are unique and that everyone who experiences depression experiences it in a unique way, and we are all about getting to the root causes of why you feel the way you do. At Integrated Health Specialists, you’ll find a therapeutic environment that welcomes you, as an individual, without judgement. Our therapist will help you, in a safe and supportive environment, to uncover the causes behind your depression and develop the strategies you need to overcome it. 

Some of the other therapies we offer, that you may not have heard of, include:

  • Humanistic therapy
  • Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy

(Find out more about these and other types of therapy we offer here.)

Using these therapies in combination with counselling and psychology, we are able to offer a truly holistic approach to treating your depression. If you’re ready to try something new and get to the bottom of your depression once and for all, it’s time to give us a call. Book an appointment today and find out which of these therapies will work best for you. 

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