(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast
How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit Smoking

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit Smoking

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit Smoking The health risks associated with smoking are well documented, and there are a number of methods around to help smokers break the habit. But are there other ways to support the quitting process for those who’ve tried everything from patches to counselling? Hypnotherapy offers an effective option to quit smoking, and is well worth trying for those...
The Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Self-Esteem

The Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Self-Esteem

The Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Self-Esteem With Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp, GooglePlus, Tumbler, YouTube…our children have never been so connected!  Statistics show the use of social networking is at 88% for 12-13 year olds, 97% for 14-15 year olds, and 99% for 16-17 year olds (Australian Communication and Media Authority, 2013).  In this technological age,...
Mental Health Counselling

Mental Health Counselling

Mental Health Counselling Everyone goes through various amounts of stress each day. Whether it’s to do with money, work, friendships or other relationships, situations can change each and every day. This can stress you out, and may leave you feeling low, depressed, or anxious.  When this happens, many people find seeking professional help from a counsellor very beneficial. But how does mental...
Psychology Glossary

Psychology Glossary

Glossary of Psychology, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, and Life Coaching Terms This directory outlines some of the key terms and phrases used in Psychology, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, and Life Coaching. Click on a button to be taken to that particular section of the glossary, or just read through to understand terms that relate to all services. Hypnotherapy Psychology/Counselling Life Coaching...
How Counselling Can Help With Anxiety

How Counselling Can Help With Anxiety

How Counselling Can Help With Anxiety Whether you’re finding it hard to deal with the daily grind or you know somebody who is coping with excessive anxiety, counselling can help with anxiety in many ways.  Lots of people are scared to seek help for their anxiety; some people downplay it and say that it’s not important, and the stigma around seeing a professional leads people who really need it...