(07) 5569 0115 - Gold Coast
Mindfulness and EMDR

Mindfulness and EMDR

Mindfulness and EMDR EMDR was originally developed to help sufferers of trauma to overcome their pain and remove destructive coping mechanisms such as hyper vigilance and recurring disruptive memories (like those experienced by PTSD sufferers). However, EMDR is increasingly being utilised as a therapeutic technique to help counselling and psychology clients with a range of concerns, including...
Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Seven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues Do you find winter a difficult time for both your physical and mental health? It isn’t called the ‘winter blues’ for nothing. In fact, there’s even a scientific term for it: SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, many of us find ourselves having trouble getting out of bed and facing the day. Seasonal Affective...
7 Reasons People Resist Starting Therapy (And How It Could Change Your Life)

7 Reasons People Resist Starting Therapy (And How It Could Change Your Life)

7 Reasons People Resist Starting Therapy (And How It Could Change Your Life) Starting therapy can be a daunting concept for many people, for many different reasons. In this article, we take a look at the most common reasons why people resist starting therapy, and how in fact, making the decision to see someone could change your life. 1. What if I don’t like my therapist? Opening up to...
5 Daily Rituals to Improve Your Energy

5 Daily Rituals to Improve Your Energy

5 Daily Rituals to Improve Your Energy Do you make your bed? Do you eat breakfast? Do you have more than 5 minutes of alone time during the day? These might each seem like insignificant details in the grand scheme of your busy life, but small daily rituals can have a big impact on your energy. If you’re feeling low on energy and could use a boost, consider adding these 5 daily rituals to your...
How to Make 2019 Your Best (Mental Health) Year Yet

How to Make 2019 Your Best (Mental Health) Year Yet

How to Make 2019 Your Best (Mental Health) Year Yet Raise your hand if you’ve ever set yourself a hugely ambitious new year’s resolution? To write a book? To climb Everest? Or maybe just to quit smoking, join the gym and get fit? Hands up again if you’ve failed to meet nearly every one of those resolutions. You’re not alone there. In our January blog, New Year, New You? How to Make Your New...